ceausescu last speech transcript

Nicolae Ceauescu (Romanian pronunciation: [nikola.e ta.uesku]; 26 January 1918 25 December 1989) was a Romanian politician who was the Secretary Gener. We have ensured an apartment for every citizen through corresponding laws. Immediately before them were plainclothes Securitate agents and a row of police militia, who kept the mass of the crowd about thirty yards back from the front of the Central Committee building. Rebranding Christianity (The World of Information) PROSECUTOR: Who ordered shooting into the crowd? PROSECUTOR: In all district capitals, which you grandly called municipalities, there is shooting going on. Why did you make the peasants starve? CHIEF PROSECUTOR: Esteemed chairman of the court, today we have to pass a verdict on the defendants Nicolae Ceauescu and Elena Ceauescu who have committed the following offenses: crimes against the people. He would be executed a few days later. I will not answer any question. Ceausescu's last speech was interrupted but not by the shouts of the masses. That is why the people are fighting all over the country. Now we are making a last attempt. This is a vulgar provocation. In fact, his speech on August 21, 1968 in defiance of the military actions taken by Moscow and a few of her allies in Czechoslovakia roused quite a considerable amount of support for not only himself, but for the Patriot Guards as well. I have done everything to create a decent and rich life for the people in the country, like in no other country in the world. The English translation is by the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. In 1947, King Michael showed more dignity than you. PROSECUTOR: And who heads Securitate? NICOLAE CEAUESCU: This is not possible at all. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will not answer this question. As hard as it may be to believe, there was a time when . PROSECUTOR: The people are fighting against you, not against the new forum. The court notes that the investigations have been concluded. The story of Ceauescu's final speech is a textbook example. PROSECUTOR: Who ordered shooting into the crowd? They obstructed the normal process of the economy. CEAUSESCU: I do not recognize this new forum. What prevents him from doing so? And Elena says: It is incredible what they are inventing, incredible. And today you are acting in the same megalomaniac way. They organized the putsch. By the way, I will not answer any more questions. You were so impertinent as to cut off oxygen lines in hospitals and to shoot people in their hospital beds. Romania's Lying, Thieving, Widely Hated First Lady | OZY This source is a part of the The Romanian Revolution of 1989 teaching module. Like a jalopy falling apart on the road, dropping a screw here and a spring there, the Obama administration is gradually shaking itself to pieces. Elena answers: The intellectuals of this country should hear you, you and your colleagues. Sections in italic type are from the austrian television comentary: Why did you starve the people? And we will not betray our people here. PROSECUTOR: Who gave the order to shoot in Bucharest, for instance? It must be cleared up whether Ceausescu wants to, should, must or can answer at all. I will not answer any more. However, why are your programs not implemented? Transcript of the closed trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu, https://en.wikisource.org/w/index.php?title=Transcript_of_the_closed_trial_of_Nicolae_and_Elena_Ceauescu&oldid=6470911, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Tip Jar or Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the Belmont Club, George Ciampa, an 89-year old D-Day veteran, Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway, Faithless Execution: Building the Political Case for Obamas Impeachment, Captive: My Time as a Prisoner of the Taliban, Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality, The Idiot Vote: The Democrats Core Constituency, Rebranding Christianity (The World of Information), The Lion and the Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli, How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument, The FBI Targeted Patriotic Conservatives Exercising Their First Amendment Rights: Theyre All Bleeping Terrorists, Watch: Russell Brand OBLITERATES MSNBC in Hack's Face on 'Real Time With Bill Maher', New York Times Discovers a New Source of Racism, and This One Could Be the Most Ridiculous Yet, Young Man Does His Own Taxes for First Time, Rage and Mirth Ensue, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Centralized regimes may seem to collapse suddenly, yet in reality they have been coming apart for a long time. Lech Walesa has openly accused president Obama as unable to lead in world. Romanian demonstrators gathered in front of the headquarters of the Romanian Communist Party in Bucharest during the 1989 anti-communist revolution, 22 December 1989. Captive: My Time as a Prisoner of the Taliban It doesnt happen as one big wave. You were not used to talking to the people. Have you understood them? PROSECUTOR: Mr. Chairman, we find the two accused guilty of having committed criminal actions according to the following articles of the penal code: Articles 162, 163, 165 and 357. ELENA CEAUSESCU: How can one tell us something like this? We must not allow the slightest impression of illegality to emerge. I have no statement to make, and I will not sign one. PROSECUTOR: Why do you think that people are fighting today? Wilson Center Digital Archive Finally, I would like to refer once more to the genocide, the numerous killings carried out during the past few days. The Idiot Vote: The Democrats Core Constituency PROSECUTOR: And who heads Securitate? CEAUSESCU: No, we will not sign. But who gave the order to shoot? The palaces belong to the people. Defendant, if you had no accounts in Switzerland, will you sign a statement confirming that the money that may be in Switzerland should be transferred to the Romanian state, the State Bank. One in four of the population is believed to have a member. About He was Secre. What defamation, what provocations! How can one say something like this? First their narratives become so infested with lies they go out of sync with their own administrators on the ground. Nicolae Ceausescu LAST SPEECH (english subtitles) 1/2 Since the old government has been dissolved and Ceausescu has lost his functions, he no longer has the right to be treated as the president. The produce which the peasants grew was exported, and the peasants came from the most remote provinces to Bucharest and to the other cities in order to buy bread. Nobody has the right to abolish the Grand National Assembly. ELENA CEAUSESCU: Incredible. Do you want to sign this statement? Ceauescu's final speech - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core A flight into peril, flashbacks to underground action. He also refuses to recognize the new forum. They not only killed children, young people and adults in Timisoara and Bucharest; they allowed Securitate members to wear military uniforms to create the impression among the people that the army is against them. Dressed in a black Persian lamb hat with matching coat collar, Ceausesecu, 71, was . I will not answer you putschists, Ceauescu says. Paper is patient. CEAUSESCU: We had no account in Switzerland. By the way, I will not answer any more questions. The people were slaves. Mystery surrounded the whereabouts of the former President and his wife, Elena, last night. In the essay The Use of Knowledge in Society, Hayek argued that in complex systems the relevant facts are dispersed among many people. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will not sign anything. The details are known. Ford said of his resignation,I was no longer in a position where I felt I could defend the American policy. Sooner or later inability to credit yoga or videos produced in Los Angeles as actual factors becomes more and more widespread. What do you say as a citizen? What do you think? PROSECUTOR: The terrorists are from Securitate? ELENA CEAUESCU: Accounts in Switzerland? One of the fundamental defenses of a democracy is the truth. In response, Ceauescu raised his right hand in hopes of silencing the crowd; his stunned expression remains one of the defining moments of the end of Communism in Eastern Europe. Why were people screaming during Ceausescu's last speech? What - Quora NICOLAE CEAUESCU: What an obscene provocation. The Land of Green Plums, Mller, Herta 9780312429942 | eBay PROSECUTOR: The terrorists are from Securitate? ROMANIA: DEATH OF A DICTATOR : Ceausescu--Tyrant Who Posed as a Nicolae Ceausescu LAST SPEECH - YouTube PROSECUTOR: Well, Mr. I hope that you do not also work for the foreigners and for the destruction of Romania. PROSECUTOR: Please, make a note: Nicolae Ceausescu refuses to cooperate with the court-appointed counsel for the defense. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will not answer. This work is a translation and has a separate copyright status to the applicable copyright protections of the original content. How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument. Usurpers have been punished severely during the past centuries in Romania's history. I only recognize the working class and the Grand National Assembly no one else. The prosecutor cites all academic titles she had always claimed to have. This speech was an annual event and carefully scripted by the regime to insure both success and the appearance of popular support. And the next moment he was lying in the dust. A later article shows that Australia is moving toward. Not a single shot was fired in Palace Square. They obstructed the normal process of the economy. I have nothing to do with them. Tip Jar or Subscribe or Unsubscribe to the Belmont Club. Then he is treated like a normal citizen. PROSECUTOR: This situation is known. Transcript of the trial of Nicolae and E. Ceausescu PROSECUTOR: We have always spoken of equality. I ask the chairman of the prosecutor's office to read the bill of indictment. Making use of Marxist-Leninist rhetoric, he delivered a litany of the achievements of the "socialist revolution" and Romanian "multi-laterally developed . Its not that we dont want to respect the commander-in-chief, one told me sadly. Share . We will speak only at the National Assembly, because we have worked hard for the people all our lives. Historical place Mark's spot where Ceausescu had his last speech Ceausescu relates his recent meeting with Dubcek in Prague in August 1968. The charges are incorrect, and I will not answer a single question here. All strategic points in the country were said to be under the control of the people. And who brought them into the country? NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I repeat: I am the president of Romania and the commander in chief of the Romanian army. The prosecutor turns to Elena: You have always been wiser and more ready to talk, a scientist. Answer this question! I will not answer anymore. The Balcony from Which the Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu Paper is patient. We must not allow the slightest impression of illegality to emerge. PROSECUTOR: And who wrote the papers for you, Elena? But who gave the order to shoot? "Video of Ceausescus Last Speech, December 1989," Making the History of 1989, Item #696, https://chnm.gmu.edu/1989/items/show/696 (accessed May 28 2021, 3:24 pm). He was a cosignatory of an open letter harshly critical of the Ceauescu region which appeared last march. PROSECUTOR: We have wonderful programs. And so should such reports chill one to the bone. Queen Victoria and Her Prime Ministers Elena answers: The intellectuals of this country should hear you, you and your colleagues. I will not answer any question. Ceauescu answers: As I said before, the people are fighting for their freedom and against this putsch, against this usurpation. It is a historic time, given that no military member goes public to speak negatively about the ultimate commander. As the other primary sources reveal, the Ceausescus were tried a few days later and executed as enemies of the new Romanian state. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Land of Green Plums, Mller, Herta at the best online prices at eBay! Decembrie 25 1989 - Garnizoana Tirgoviste. Only the front rows supported Ceauescu with cheers and applause, with most of the crowd remaining impassive. The workers were augmented by bystanders who were rounded up on Calea Victoriei. PROSECUTOR: We now have another leading organ. In addition, the law forbids the IRS from using its normal enforcement tools to collect unpaid penalties. And I also do not recognize the counsel for the defense. Immediately before them were plainclothes Securitate agents and a row of police militia, who kept the mass of the crowd about thirty meters back from the front of the Central Committee building. Ti-mi-oa-ra! I ask the court, as the plaintiff, to take note that proof has been furnished for all these points, that the two have committed the offenses mentioned. I am now talking to you as simple citizens, and I hope that you will tell the truth. Because of the crimes they committed against the people, I plead, on behalf of the victims of these two tyrants, for the death sentence for the two defendants. An important historical square located on Victoriei Street. Who are these fanatics? I am talking to you as simple citizens at the least, as simple citizens, and I tell you: I am the president of Romania. They will receive a link in their email and it will automatically give them access to a Kindle reader on their smartphone, computer or even as a web-readable document.

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ceausescu last speech transcript