list of dictatorship countries

[8]:455 Some countries (such as Spain, Belgium, Germany, and Israel) require that the vote of no confidence also specify who is going to replace the sitting government to minimize the time without an interim government, essentially replacing one government with another. Also called a dominant party dictatorship or one-party state. This is thanks to an oil boom that enriched his family at the expense of the Equatorial Guinea citizens. [107] The development of the internet and digital communication in the 21st century have prompted dictatorships to shift from traditional means of control to digital ones, including the use of artificial intelligence to analyze mass communications, internet censorship to restrict the flow of information, and troll farms to manipulate public opinion. - Quora Answer (1 of 66): I will give the country names as well as who the dictator is. In fact, most dictators adopt common appellations such as "President" or "Prime Minister", so they must be identified via their actions and policies rather than their title. As the Cold War went on, the Soviet Union increased its influence in Africa, and MarxistLeninist dictatorships developed in several African countries. There must be more than one party competing in the elections. [127], Indoctrination is the inculcation of citizens on specific values and ideas beneficial to the dictatorships needs and desires. The country is bordered in the northeast by Tunisia, in the east by Libya, in the west by Morocco, in the southwest by Western Sahara, Mauritania, and Mali, in the southeast by Niger, and in the north by the Mediterranean Sea. The dictatorship of Francisco Franco in Spain , from 1939 to 1975. But this is not the first time Myanmar is having the bitter taste of autocracy, in fact, their governance turned . [114] The countries of Central Asia did not liberalize after the fall of the Soviet Union, instead forming as dictatorships led by former elites of the Communist Party and then later by successive dictators. [18], A classification of dictatorships, which began with political scientist Barbara Geddes in 1999, focuses on where power lies. ", "The Cromwellian Protectorate: A Military Dictatorship? [48], An absolute monarchy is a monarchy in which the monarch rules without legal limitations. Current Dictators Kim Jong-un Kim Jong-un is North Korea's current dictator and the third generation Kim to rule the country, following the death of his father Kim Jong-il in 2011. Typically, dictators rise to power when a nation faces significant social issues, such as strong economic crises or unrest among the nation's people. A dictator that has concentrated significant power is more likely to be exiled, imprisoned, or killed after ouster, and accordingly they are more likely to refuse negotiation and cling to power. The expected result is to coerce citizens into complying with the dictatorships demands in order to benefit from the state-controlled resources. Uganda - 1971 to 1979 - Idi Amin Dada. Some of the most famous dictators in history include, of course, Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Nazi Germany from 1933-1945, Benito Mussolini, ruler of fascist Italy from 1922-1945, and Joseph Stalin,. Click to visit dictatorship | Definition, Characteristics, Countries Iraq, Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine are the only democratic nations in the region, with Israel being the only nation in this region that affords broad political liberties to its citizens. [40] Personalist dictatorships often collapse with the death of the dictator. An autocracy, monarchy, and dictatorship. [67] In Europe it was often thought of in terms of Bonapartism and Caesarism, with the former describing the military rule of Napoleon and the latter describing the imperial rule of Napoleon III in the vein of Julius Caesar. [98], One of the tasks in political science is to measure and classify regimes as either democracies or dictatorship (authoritarian) countries. These countries maintain parliaments and human rights organizations, but these remain under the control of the countries' respective dictators. The phrase "fixed term" indicates the once the head of state is chosen, they serve a known and a limited number of years before another election is held, and they cannot be removed from the office in the meantime via a vote of no confidence. [111][112][113] Latin America saw a period of liberalization similar to that of Europe at the end of the Cold War, with Cuba being the only Latin American country that did not experience any degree of liberalization between 1992 and 2010. Duterte is the perfect example of a . [98], During World War II, many countries of Central and Eastern Europe had been occupied by the Soviet Union. A Roman dictator was a special magistrate that was temporarily appointed by the consul during times of crisis and granted total executive authority. Its purpose is to collect information, mobilize society, and induce compliance with the dictatorships directives. The Countries with Dictatorships in the Modern World As of 2020, there are 52 nations with a dictator or authoritarian regime ruling the country: Three in Latin America and South America, 27 in Asia and the Middle East, and 22 in Africa. [5] This is particularly true when the inner circle is made up of military officers that have the resources to carry out a military coup. A political rival accused Obiang of cannibalism in 2004, but no evidence to support the claim has ever surfaced. Perhaps someday some of these modern dictatorships will cast off their dictators and embrace a more democratic and inclusive form of government. The DD dataset covers the annual data points of 199 countries from 1946 (or date of independence) to 2008. The totalitarian dictatorship in the People's Republic of China , from 1949 to the present. Personalist dictatorships are more common in Sub-Saharan Africa due to less established institutions in the region. Argentina and Mexico are the countries with Dictatorship as a government form. [44] As a result of authoritarian politics, a series of major issues may ensue. Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler and the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin were the leading examples of such modern totalitarian . But to understand the dictatorship in Cuba . [137] In the 21st century, dictatorships have moved toward greater integration with the global community and increasingly attempt to present themselves as democratic. Examples include the Personalist/Military dictatorship of Pakistan from 1977 to 1988 and the Single-Party/Military hybrid that controlled El Salvador from 1948 to 1984. The Portuguese were present in some mostly coastal points of the territory of what is now Angola from the 16th century, interacting in diverse ways with the peoples who lived there. [25], One-party dictatorships are governments in which a single political party dominates politics. A presidential democracy has a government that does not need the majority support of a legislature to stay in power. The first distinction made is whether a democracy's government is responsible to the legislature. [1][3] Resorting to democratic concepts by Karl Popper and Joseph Schumpeter, Przeworski defended the minimalist approach, citing Popper that "the only system in which citizens can get rid of governments without bloodshed. Mao established the People's Republic of China as a one-party communist state under his governing ideology of Maoism. Those against dictatorship say personal rights are severely restricted, the system is generally based on force and violence, and it demands complete obedience. [132] Foreign intervention takes place when another country seeks to topple a regime by invading the country or supporting the opposition. [87], The decolonisation of Africa prompted the creation of new governments, many of which became dictatorships in the 1960s and 1970s. Malcolm Congal Aidan Julian Haldane, 23rd king of Gwynedd, reigned 1025 to 1074. Some of the multi-party states with governing communist parties include Brazil, Nepal, India, and Russia. While common in the 20th century, the prominence of military dictatorships declined in the 1970s and 1980s. As you can see, fascism was at its highest popularity during the 1930's. 1. This type of vote is termed a constructive vote of no confidence. [126] For dictatorships, societal compliance is necessary for the ruling entity to maintain its desired order, laws, revenue, and policies. Keep note that the head of state, chief executive, government, and legislatures can have their official names be seemingly contradictory to this classification. Even in today's modern world, where freedom is prized and respected, you will still find examples of dictatorship governments around the globe. Between 1967 and 1991, 12 Latin American countries underwent at least one military coup, with Haiti and Honduras experiencing three and Bolivia experiencing eight. [126]This tactic involves policies on land reform, poverty alleviation, public health, housing, education, and employment programs that force citizens to be dependent on the state for relatively adequate living standards. At the onset of the so-called "third wave" of democracy in 1978, the only democratic regimes were Costa Rica, Colombia and Venezuela. [17] Between 1946 and 2010, 42% of dictatorships began by overthrowing a different dictatorship, and 26% began after achieving independence from a foreign government. The terms "autocrat" and "autocracy" are often used interchangeably with "dictator" and "dictatorship". A dictatorship is a form of government which is characterized by a leader, or a group of leaders, which holds governmental powers with few to no limitations on them. However, since they might also give up power willingly, the regime is marked with a type II value to signal potential classification errors where a democratic regime may be falsely classified as dictatorship. The territory of today's Algeria was the home of many prehistoric cultures, including Aterian and Capsian and the, Angola, officially the Republic of Angola, is a country in Southern Africa. But by 1995, all the countries in the region, with the notable . [27], One-party dictatorships are more stable than other forms of authoritarian rule, as they are less susceptible to insurgency and see higher economic growth. [33] A ruling party in a one-party dictatorship may rule under any ideology or it may have no guiding ideology. The 2010 version of Polity data series covers 189 countries from 1800 to 2009. Since the Korean War, North Korea has been ruled by a series of autocratic leaders. [15] If the dictator has not seized power through a political party, then a party may be formed as a mechanism to reward supporters and to concentrate power in the hands of political allies instead of militant allies. Among the 10 dictatorship countries profiled, poverty is endemic. The deadliest dictatorships are discussed below. A personalist dictator will manage these appointees by segmenting the government so that they cannot collaborate. In the past, they wore olive-green uniforms and used military might to gain power. Nations with a legacy of military dictatorship (s) In Africa Algeria (1965-1994) Burkina Faso (1966-1991) Burundi (1966-1993) Central African Republic (1966-1993) Chad (1975-1991) Congo-Brazzaville (1968-1992) Equatorial Guinea (1968-1982) Ethiopia (1974-1991) Gambia, The (1994-1997) Guinea (1984-1991) Ghana (1966-1969; 1972-1979; 1981-1993) President Obiang gained power in 1979 after ousting his uncle, Francisco Macas Nguema, and sentencing him to death by firing squad. Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines) Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the legally, directly-elected President of the Philippines and leading member of the PDP-Laban party. Latin America's new generation of dictators. [143], In the 20th century, most dictatorships held elections in which voters could only choose to support the dictatorship, with only one-quarter of partisan dictatorships permitting opposition candidates to participate. These movements supported pan-Arab Nasserism during most of the Cold War, but they were largely replaced by Islamic nationalism by the 1980s. If the head of state is popularly elected for a fixed term then, the democracy is mixed or semi-presidential. The chief executive can take many names including chancellor, prime minister, or premier and the heads of the executive departments can bear different names and be called different things. Its goal is to force compliance by demobilizing or annihilating actors of opposition. This is a list of countries, nations, and states governed or ruled by a dictatorship, is sorted alphabetically and contains some information about each nation, such as the capital, and even the official language or currency of the country. [1] Popularly elected means that the head of state is directly elected by the citizens or elected by an assembly which then elects them (an example being the electoral college in the United States). Abstract. the dictatorship of the proletariat had to be preserved in the socialist countries to assure that the reeducated minds of the workers already lucky enough to live under socialism were not re-infected by capitalist ideas coming in from outside the people's collectivist . Though the most recent data set is only updated for 2008, there is planning by Cheibub to update it to the . Members of the group will typically make up the elites in a dictator's inner circle at the beginning of a new dictatorship, though the dictator may remove them as a means to gain additional power. Fidel Castro was one of the most iconic latin american dictators, who lived in the 20th century. He responded by ordering the confiscation of food, impossible farming yield quotas, banning private farming for substenance, and introducing internal passports and residency permits, which prevented villagers from seeking food elsewhere. [1]:70. [140] Elections are also used to control elites within the dictatorship by requiring them to compete with one another and incentivizing them to build support with the populace, allowing the most popular and most competent elites to be promoted in the regime. [79] Fascism developed in Europe as a rejection of liberalism, socialism, and modernism, and the first fascist political parties formed in the 1920s. They are not even defined terms of art within political science. When the war ended, these countries were incorporated into the Soviet sphere of influence, and the Soviet Union exercised control over their governments. Kim Jong-Il (1.6 million deaths) Kim Jong-il in 2010. ( 1, 2, 3) 5 Paul Kagame, the 60-year-old President of Rwanda, has been in power since 1994 when his rebel army ended the genocide which had killed 800,000 people. Dictators are usually backed (especially financially) by groups of powerful people. China's constitution calls its government a "people's democratic dictatorship." Many countries which are seen as otherwise democratic are dictatorships because there has yet to be an alternation in power since their incumbent government has never lost an election. The Soviet economy became unsustainable, and communist governments lost the support of intellectuals. The dictator of Italy from 1925 to 1945, Benito Mussolini founded the Fascist Party in 1919. Dictatorships can be formed by a military coup that overthrows the previous government through force or by a self-coup in which elected leaders make their rule permanent. In personalist dictatorships, the elite corps are usually made up of close friends or family members of the dictator, who typically handpicks these individuals to serve their posts. Since 1945 Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East have been common areas for all military dictatorships.

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list of dictatorship countries