caleb widogast character sheet

"Into the Eye" (2x131) Int He went further, saying that if Fjord became interested in releasing Uk'otoa, Caleb would not support him. Character Information Name Trent Ikithon Pronouns he/him Titles Master Also known as Mr. Icky Thong (by Jester) Creature type Humanoid Race Human Class Wizard Age Late 70s (in 836 PD) Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Common Places Rexxentrum (imprisoned) Zadash (encounter with Beau & Yasha) Connections Cerberus Assembly (Former Member) Profession Player Character (Campaign 2)Non-player Character (Campaign 3) He commented afterwards, in a voice suggesting he was not sure about it, that it was "better this way.". Fjord said he knew that Caleb had done terrible things, but he saw a good man and a good friend, and that the party would look to Caleb for cues on how to deal with the Assembly.[135]. As she said farewell and individually thanked each of the Nein, she told Caleb again that she loved him, and he replied, "I love you too, Veth the Brave." [174], Fan art of Caleb, by Minttu Hynninen. Caleb believes that killing his parents was an irredeemably evil act, and his goal when he met the Mighty Nein was to change time to erase the event. Caleb successfully hit the pursuing Dragon Turtle with Disintegrate and a Fireball. [86], Caleb figured out to how open the Happy Fun Ball of Tricks and accidentally transported the party into Halas's manor. During the fight with the frost salamanders, Caleb Polymorphed into a giant ape. Caleb then used Telekinesis to hurl Beau and Jester into a snowdrift. [art 29], "Fond Farewells" (2x141) I value this family, Fjord, because I killed my own, for these people that we are going to deal with. "The Ruined Sliver" (2x104) He has since realized that the more patriotic thing to do, and a better way to honor his parents, would be to make sure that the corruption of children by the Empire is stopped. Ads by Longitude. Caleb greeted him as they were leaving, saying it was good to see him again. 14 Caleb has shown trust in Beauregard numerous times by choosing to hang onto her shoulder while his senses were transferred into his companion, Frumpkin. However, he was unwilling to cross the ominous threshold of further understanding and did not fully identify it. For the heist of the Sour Nest, Caleb sent Frumpkin in owl form to scout the exterior. Critter blog keeping track of monster stats, crits, and anything else that can be quantified on Critical Role. Caleb brought up his prior conversation with Astrid where he had the impression that she was being groomed for Trent's seat, and she nervously shut down the inquiry. They saw Ikithon looking down at them from the top of the stairs, having Counterspelled their attempt to leave. Over the course of the fight, the Nein realized that they needed to flee, and Yasha used her wings to carry Caleb out of danger. While on the Wind of Aeons, the party was introduced to the apparently nervous Lord Desran Thain. Caleb was enraptured by an Aeorian records room, filled with notes and blank paper, and decided to spend ten minutes casting his Vault of Amber. Caleb asked the Bright Queen what it would take to end the war, and she answered that she wanted retribution. Caleb Widogast - Critical Analysis Caleb and Veth are best friends[116] and love each other unconditionally, often referring to themselves as part of a family. Fjord realized it would take more blood than they were able to give and decided they should leave. He purchased new, stylish clothes in "Agreements" (2x61), throwing away his old tattered ones.[30]. The next day, with help from Essek and Nott, Caleb was able to complete the Transmogrification spell found in Halas's laboratory. "Fleeting Memories" (2x14) Caleb was uncomfortable with the prospect of seeing Empress Kryn. Outside of times when he uses Frumpkin to advance his goals, Caleb treats Frumpkin like a domestic cat, frequently showing him physical affection[105] and getting emotional support from him in stressful or sad moments. [60] Caleb came up with their escape plan, using Frumpkin to bring a piece of wire into their cell which Nott used to pick the lock. Jester has in turn come to rely on him to provide emotional understanding and support. They later collaborated with Caleb and Beau in sharing their story with the Cobalt Soul. "The Endless Burrows" (2x50) Before leaving Trostenwald, Caleb went to a bathhouse with Nott, where he sadly contemplated a burned spellbook he had purchased in town. "Hell or High Water" (2x136) Powered by Squarespace. "Lost Treasures" (2x22) Caleb and Caduceus are friends. Spurt card art by @capefoxalix. [27] After arriving in Zadash, Enchanter Pumat Sol cleaned Caleb with magic consistent with the spell Prestidigitation and it marked the first time the Mighty Nein witnessed a clean Caleb, which upset Nott. Caleb Widogast, born Bren Aldric Ermendrud, is a human wizard and a member of the adventuring party known as the Mighty Nein. The Scourger finally turned to look at him; she was not Astrid, but she smiled and said, "I've heard things about you, Bren. [80], Fan art of Caleb casting fire, by Matt Hubel. [146][147], Their relationship became complicated after the revelation that Essek had given the beacons to the Cerberus Assembly. He first revealed the scars to the party in "A Game of Names" (2x49), and later permanently removed the bandages he used to conceal them. "Contentious Company" (2x120) Yes, I was a student of the, "A long time ago you asked me about myself and I just never answered. And their final test was to kill their own flesh and blood. Later that evening, Caleb attended a meeting of the Knights of Requital along with Beau and Fjord. He wanted to be able to bend reality to his will. See ", Liam confirmed that they were in a romantic relationship on, Matt confirmed that they were in a romantic relationship on, Liam revealed the item information on Twitter, Though not included in the book, a spell called. [51] His father Leofric was a member of the Righteous Brand. Jester and Caleb found the Tri-Spire and attempted to enter. Caleb offered to do so in return for unspecified favor at some point in the future, and they both cut themselves and used their blood to activate the altar, stopping just before completing the ritual. And the longer he travels, the further away his deepest hopes seem to sit, leering at him from a distant horizon. Eadwulf and Astrid told Caleb that if that happened, they would follow him and do as he commanded. When Jester attempted to get the Nein more public renown, Caleb disguised himself as- and did a poor impression of- Fjord to go collect her. Caleb was alarmed when Nott introduced herself as "Bren" to Calianna, before realizing that the choice of pseudonym was pure coincidence. While he thought Avantika was sleeping, Caleb sent Frumpkin to sit on her dagger and tried to cast Identify on it through Frumpkin. Race He also has two unusual languages (Sylvan and Celestial) and only 1 is from being Human. During the battle, a deep scion managed to dispel Caleb's Vault of Amber, causing all the contents, including the cloven crystal, to spill out onto the deck. [art 24], That afternoon, Caleb performed the Transmogrification ritual on Nott. He then cast Widogast's Nascent Nein-Sided Tower, lovingly customized for Beau and Yasha's date. Does anyone have a source that shows the character sheets or stats as they would have been way back in the first episode? "Worth Fighting For" (2x126) ", "Yes, I was trained to be a terrible person. [114], Caleb decided to release Frumpkin after coming to terms with his past and his possible chance of death at the hands of Lucien. W--was Am. Nott threw a keg of black powder then Caleb caused an explosion by casting Scorching Ray on it.[78]. He asked the empty room, "What are we going to do about our home? and Caleb eventually told her, "It's too late.". During the fight with Avantika, Caleb attempted to flee but was knocked unconscious. He's not great in social situations, often not saying/doing the right thing or misreading a person/situation. Caleb and Eadwulf agreed that it was good to see one another again. [163] He also objected vociferously when Beau mentioned this, since he had never mentioned it to her. Nott fed him a healing potion, bringing him back. He explained that he was from the Empire but no friend to the Empire, and he gave the beacon to Leylas Kryn, who began crying and said that he and the Nein had brought her Dynasty hope.[92]. Later, he gave his Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location to Fjord. It is unknown why Caleb knows six, though he may have been given an additional one as in the case of Caduceus Clay's Decompose. Caleb has stated that Frumpkin has a good sense of humor about it. [art 4] Jester and Caduceus suggested bringing his parents back from the dead, but Caleb was unsure of whether their remains were still in the ground or had been taken away by the Scourgers. While the rest of the Mighty Nein were concerned with Yasha's unhealthy behavior in the fighting pit, Caleb told her, "I get it.". Beauregard has called Caleb her best friend, and Beauregard is probably the person Caleb trusts most after Veth. Caleb Widogast | LGBT Characters Wikia | Fandom They then teleported to the Vergesson Sanitorium- the asylum Caleb spent several years in- to investigate the beacon the Empire was experimenting with. Languages [art 26]. A small turtle statue sculpted by Jester as a child. Luckily, Vokodo failed his reflection with a natural one, giving Caleb the HDYWTDT?. "Curious Beginnings" (2x01) Now, he's a level 13 Transmutation Wizard who's making waves across the continent of Wildemount. [art 32], Caleb is fond of Frumpkin. It's been years since he broke his family to pieces. Caleb and the rest of the Nein found blueprints in the Golem Workshop for making a golem servant. Caleb Widogast i. "An Open Window" (2x114) On the way out of town, he and Fjord recognized a kindred adult nature that the other members of the group lacked. The smell that makes Caleb the happiest is that of his mother's apple tarts. Anybody could send a message through a wire. Veth asked Caleb if he wanted to go back in time to undo the burning of his home, and he responded, "of course." Immediately before graduation, they returned home to Blumenthal, where they each overheard their parents planning treason against the Dwendalian Empire. Essek was also worried that Caleb is being distracted by what's around him, and asked which was more important, Trent Ikithon's pursuit of Caleb or the party's pursuit of the Tombtakers. Creature type [29], Caleb has shifted towards being clean-shaven, tasking Yasha with aiding him in shaving in "Stalker in the Swamp" (2x21) and switching to a razor when she cut him in "Wood and Steel" (2x58). He then asked to interview the captured Scourger, to which she agreed. Con When the party arrived in Felderwin, Nott's former home, Caleb was terrified to see Vess DeRogna and Ludinus Da'leth there and hid in the bottom of the party's cart to avoid being seen. Caleb told Jester it was okay if she wanted to keep the running joke going. MIGHTY NEIN PLAYLIST: CALEB #2 | Critical Role Spurt card art by @capefoxalix. Name Family However, Caleb was able to Counterspell Trent's attempted Counterspell of Jester's second Word of Recall, and Team Firestorm escaped to Nicodranas. (2x36) Beau asked if he wanted to take down Trent, and Caleb said yes, among other things. Mayhem ensued as the group tried to get out safely. He replied that he cared for her, but it had been a very long time. And then literally the plot of PIG (2021) with Caleb instead of . Our fan art gallery for the week of 7/23! Caleb mentioned that he wanted to go back to the Empire since he was convinced that the peace negotiations did not end the problems within their homeland, although he was not sure exactly how to proceed to root them out. Essek inspected the purple gem on the cylinder marked "Terminal RE 02" and called Caleb over, pointing out that within it appeared elements of space and drifting possibilities, like a smaller, weaker Luxon beacon. To get a moment alone from the Tombtakers, Caleb cast his Tower, and the party discussed what to do with the threshold crest they had excavated. The tower featured customized chambers for each party member, along with a common library, dining area, multi-purpose chamber, and foyer full of stained glass depictions of each school of magic. Frumpkin (familiar)Veth Brenatto (best friend)Astrid Becke (ex-girlfriend)Eadwulf Grieve (ex-boyfriend)[11]Trent Ikithon (former instructor)Jannik (former pet moorbounder)Essek Thelyss (dunamancy teacher, boyfriend, life-long friend) Mighty Nein (member) The Revelry (former member) "A Tangled Web" (2x77) Essek had difficulty making eye contact with Caleb, until he indicated that he thought it might be possible to build upon Aeorian experiments with Dunamancy to travel back in time and undo past mistakes. Official 2020 portrait of Caleb, by Ari. PDF Caleb critical role character sheet - "A Pirate's Life for Me" (2x41) Caleb used Programmed Illusion to create a slideshow of all the adventures the Mighty Nein had had together in an attempt to prevent Vokodo's mind altering powers from affecting them. schetti. They discussed their goals and the possibility of atonement. When the party proceeded through the tunnel, Caleb carried Essek on his back. On Rumblecusp, he created a dome filled with memories for each party member,[48] and when he built Widogast's Nascent Nein-Sided Tower, he provided individualized rooms for each party member based around their interests and their pasts. That evening, Caleb put up his Tower, before the party realized that the Tombtakers had absconded with their bag of holding. Bren Aldric Ermendrud (birth name)Cay-Cay (by Nott)Keen Mind (by Fjord)[1]Capeleb (in giant ape form)[2]Magician (by Kingsley Tealeaf)[3] "The Ruby and the Sapphire" (2x33) Wizard (School of Transmutation) "O Captain, Who's Captain?" He also mentioned to Fjord that his sense of diplomacy had nothing to do with any magical gifts, but rather his persuasive nature. He then said to his parents that he hoped he wouldn't let them down. After scuffling with a few cultists, Caleb got the How do you want to do this? Before Caleb spent a decade in an asylum, he was an evocation wizard. During the fight with Obann by the Wraithroot Tree, Caleb began drawing a teleportation circle, but was forced to abandon it when it became clear that the battle would be over before he could finish it. "Labenda Awaits" (2x20) Avantika stabbed Frumpkin with the dagger, destroying him. Fjord asked Caleb to keep an eye on Avantika, and Caleb warned Fjord that he believed Avantika would try to kill him. Fan art of Caleb Widogast casting Shield, by Tyrone Andersen. Back at the Blooming Grove, Caleb freed Frumpkin, who wandered away. Privacy. At the end of their conversation, Caleb thought about staying, but left to return to the party. Fan art of Caleb and Essek, by Aurex Aldori. Should I trust you? [79] During their journey to Darktow, Caleb gave Caduceus the Periapt of Wound Closure that had formerly belonged to Mollymauk Tealeaf, stating that it would do Caduceus much more good than it would himself. After a long, hard battle against the Iron Shepherds, Caleb got the How do you want to do this? on Lorenzo with a Fire Bolt to the head and succeeded on the resulting wisdom save. The ninth floor of the tower depicted an infinity of stars, resembling Caleb's dream after attuning to the Luxon beacon for the first time. Last seen When he left, she told him he was welcome back any time and she would like to see more of him. After the Mighty Nein's fight with Thuron in the sewers of Zadash, Caleb tried to Identify the dodecahedron-shaped object they recovered from him. # LAURA Ish, it's quiet-ish . Luc is the son of Caleb's best friend, Veth, and Caleb has made multiple efforts to comfort and connect with Luc. Blumenthal, Zemni Fields (hometown)Rexxentrum, Zemni Fields (post-campaign home) [118] Veth has told Caleb that he was the "second love of her life", to which Caleb responded, "I love you too, Veth the Brave. The apparent leader invited him to step forward, but when Caleb did so, a rope wrapped his ankles and hoisted him dangling upside-down three or four feet off the ground. [art 15]. When Trent Ikithon gave his students the final task of killing their parents who were supposedly traitors to the Dwendalian Empire, Caleb "broke" when he heard his parents screaming inside their flaming house. turn to roll and join Adventure with this Caleb Widogast inspired Collar of charm! After a full day of riding through the Barbed Fields, Caleb noticed that Beau, badly injured, was struggling, but she insisted that she was fine. Language: English Words: 3,064 Chapters: 1/1 Hits: 0 Split Attention, Speaking with touches by fourwingflight Receive a personal letter from Caleb Widogast, a character played by Liam O'Brien in Critical Role campaign two. Bren spent the next eleven years in the Vergesson Sanatorium until a fellow patient touched him, removing both his madness and his fake memories. He also went to the sultress Academy, a school that Fjord, Travis Willinghams character wanted to get into. [132], Caleb respected Fjord's desire to tell him about his past at his own pace. After a second dream from the Somnovem[32], a second red eye tattoo appeared in the center of his shoulder blades on his back. [66] After the fight, Mollymauk came over and slapped him to rouse him, kissed him on the forehead, and stated that there would be "time for that later. Then, using the address given by the letter received by Nott and Jester in response to their letter seeking information about Astrid, Caleb was able to find her home. Passage to floors above the last of the bedchambers was sealed off, though Caleb later passed through when he was alone by muttering "gone but not forgotten" in Zemnian. [72] The group decided to set up an ambush for them the next day. His greatest concern was that if the party were to be seen with him, Trent Ikithon could use them to reach Caleb. From their personality, goals, relationships, and what kind of archetype of a character Caleb is. [171], At Caleb's urging, in "Frigid Propositions" (2x109) the Mighty Nein met with Vess DeRogna in her residence and accepted her job offer to explore Eiselcross. Yasha was eventually able to break the charm by wounding Caleb. "Hunted at Sea" (2x100) "High Seas, High Stakes" (2x99) Essek told the party that he feared he was being hunted by Cerberus Assembly assassins. "Lost & Found" (2x13) He also revealed for the first time that he had been experimented on by having crystals placed into his arms, leaving the scars which he had kept hidden with bandages since the party met him. Marion reminded Caleb that bad people try to make good people believe they are at fault for being victimized, and to focus on the good things he does. "Dubious Pursuits" (2x40) AdventurerProfessor of Transmutation at the Soltryce Academy [115], Fan art of Veth hugging Caleb, by BlackSalander. Dorian Storm - Works | Archive of Our Own "Family Gathering" (2x71) [art 20]. See ", Phrased as "would be together for a while." [49], Born Bren Aldric Ermendrud, Caleb was from a small town named Blumenthal near Rexxentrum[50] in the Zemni Fields. Caleb is reserved, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself or his companion Nott. While fighting the water elemental at the Immensus Gate, Caleb was Polymorphed into a sheep by Aeorian wild magic. Alive (resurrected) I will never forget what we were. "The Folding Halls" (2x80) He believed that he was fully responsible despite being magically beguiled and the reassurances of both Nott and Beauregard that he was not to blame; he neither wanted nor accepted their consolations. Fan art of Caleb and Frumpkin, by Minttu Hynninen. "Cat and Mouse" (2x128) The name Bren Aldric Ermendrud has a few different roots in German. Caleb, Fjord, and Caduceus went out for fish and chips, and talked about destiny and fate, their obligation to try to stop Tharizdun even if it meant their deaths, their growing attachment to the group, and their sense of duty to try to rescue Yasha from Obann. [111], Though Frumpkin has died on multiple occasions, this does not seem to bother Caleb or Frumpkin. There, the party met with Trent Ikithon and Eadwulf, one of Caleb's ex-partners. Contents 1 Description 1.1 Appearance 1.2 Personality 2 Biography 2.1 Background 2.2 Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins: Caleb Widogast 2.3 Pre-Stream 2.4 Arc 1: Come Together In the evening, in order to provide Jester information for potential Scrys, Caleb used Seeming to make himself look like Trent Ikithon, Beau like Astrid, Fjord like Eadwulf, Nott like Vess DeRogna, and Caduceus like Jenna Iresor (another Assembly member). Fjord noted that despite what happened to him, Caleb still had a reverence for the institution, and Caleb agreed. The rest of the party followed suit and gave Fjord several of their magic items. A world-weary and vagabond human wizard who has been traveling with Nott for some time. While exploring underwater, Caleb had Frumpkin in octopus form wrap around his head and saw through his familiar's vision. He also empowered his lucky rock as a Transmuter's Stone. After that, he killed one of the guards, took a necklace to hide from Ikithon, and escaped. ", "Anybody can make lights. In the battle with the Laughing Hand, Caleb Polymorphed into a giant ape. In the morning of the fight against Vokodo, Caleb woke up forgetting why they were on the island. After the trip to Uthodurn to reforge Dwueth'var, Caleb suggested returning to Rosohna so that he could interrogate the Scourger held in the Dungeon of Penance. His attacks forced Lucien to burn through legendary resistances, and when Essek was charmed, Caleb dispelled the effect. 12 Places Later that evening, he called Beau and Nott to his room and told them the story of how he murdered his mother and father. After Clay nearly drowned multiple times, Caleb gave him Mollymauk's Periapt of Wound Closure. [art 11]. Caleb was stunned when Nott found Luc at Old Edith's and referred to him as her son. He tirelessly helped Veth find a way to be a halfling again, and was the one who finally transformed her back into her true self. Click here for the Mighty Nein Character Level Updates, by party level or by individual character. The party reluctantly attacked Caleb, realizing he'd been charmed, and he cast a Wall of Fire to defend himself. Thank you for join, Matt says that the rolls from the party, the notably low rolls, informed how the Mighty Nein's expedition in the Sh. Campaign one ended in October 2017 after 115 episodes, and campaign two started in January 2018 and ended in June 2021 after 141 episodes. Caleb Widogast | Critical Role Wiki | Fandom After the dinner when Eadwulf and Astrid walked the party outside to the gate, Astrid asked Caleb if he meant what he said inside, that he meant to stop Trent, and Caleb confirmed. Critical Role fanart of our favorite hobo wizard, albeit with his initial hobo outfit. After Fjord lost his powers by throwing the falchion into the lava of Kravaraad,[133] Caleb stepped forward, gave him his Glove of Blasting, and asked the group for other magic items to help him out. Although he believed he himself was ruined, he wanted to do something to make up for it. [89] Recognizing Caleb's distress, Caduceus calmed and reassured him. The Golem severely injured both of them and affixed a metallic collar around Caleb's neck that silenced him, preventing him from casting any spell with a verbal component. Caleb killed an ettin with Fireball, triggering a PTSD episode, and Beau carried him back to the cart so he could recover. Beau left, agreeing to take him to the library the next day but trying to convince him of the value of teamwork. "Converging Fury" (2x27) "Xhorhas" (2x51) Caleb let Twiggy play with Frumpkin (again in cat form) and told her she could be an honorary member of the Mighty Nein. She and Astrid Becke were encouraging him to take a full-time professorship at the Academy, but as of the events of "The Mighty Nein Reunited Part 1" (Sx73) (six months post-Campaign), he was "not quite ready for that". "Between the Lines" (2x78) Fan art of Caleb at his parents' graves, by Ana Fedina. *Tunic not included* Scarf for cosplaying Caleb Widogast from Critical Role. Despite a low persuasion roll, Essek then decided to begin teaching him the basics of dunamancy, offering to let him transcribe two spells from his spellbook, Gift of Alacrity and Fortune's Favor. [art 31], Fan art of Caleb with Frumpkin in sparrow form, by Megzilla87. Critical Role is an American web series in which a group of professional voice actors play Dungeons & Dragons. 111 10 Orym (Critical Role) - Works | Archive of Our Own He had planned to create a Programmed Illusion of his parents screaming, and watch invisibly as his younger self set the house on fire. Jester has never mentioned romantic feelings towards Caleb, but cares a lot about him platonically. They fantasize about the things they want to have in the place they call home. Astrid replied, "race you to the top. Caleb investigated Halas's laboratory for any magical items that could help them escape. Proficiencies: Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Investigation, Stats: Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 16, Variant: +1 to two stats of choice, one extra proficiency, Languages: Common, Zemnian, Sylvan, Celestial, Stats Update: Intelligence increase from 18 to 20, Feat: Skilled (Perception, Intimidation, Persuasion), Stats Update: Wisdom increased from 16 to 18. Upon meeting Caduceus, Caleb whispered multiple times to Beau that he "like(s) this man." Astrid, Eadwulf, and Bren were all from the small farming community of Blumenthal in the Zemni Fields of the Dwendalian Empire, although they didnt know each other before being selected to attend the Soltryce Academy in Rexxentrum. He was able to identify and dispel a trap in a "bad armoire". Transcript:Critical Role Campaign 2 Wrap-Up - Critical Role

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caleb widogast character sheet