iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me

I want my love for others to be moderate and my desires to be pure. Klytaimestra Elected to commit a murder! Listen to their words: 790, Who will it be, I wonder, who will bring tears to my eyes, drag me by my beautiful hair and pluck me from my ruined land?. LibriVox I take your kind welcome and gracious words as signs of a good omen. You will be away from me for a very long time. Iphigenia in Aulis Summary and Study Guide | SuperSummary He has used my name without my permission! How could I, a mortal, go against that? Where did you catch him? Summary of Iphigenia in Aulis Prologue The play opens with a prologue which starts with a dubitable, suspiciously non-Euripidean discussion between Agamemnon and a loyal Servant of his, in which the commander of the Greeks under Troy expresses second thoughts over the content of a previously sent letter to his wife Clytemnestra. A prophet? Copyright 2000-2023 A. S. Kline, All Rights Reserved. Oh, Achilles! My sacrifice will bring about a victory for the Greeks and secure their safety. She has accepted this offering gladly and has granted us a safe journey for our expedition against Troy. Its going past those seven stars, the Pleiades, my lord straight through the very centre of the heavens. I dont have to do anything he says and I didnt. Klytaimestra Did they? He writes a few words, then scratches them out and begins again. You are the cause of it! The girl deserves better still, may the gods be with us! Free to mock her! On thy knees I hang, A suppliant wreath, this body, which she bore Thats true, Ive changed and Ive changed because I love you, brother. Shelley Dean Milman. Ha! Agamemnon There! Klytaimestra who was married to whom? However, when Agamemnon breaks down in tears, Menelaus relents. Soon youll wake up a happy young man, my son. $3.99 delivery March 10 - 14. Your father, my lord, Atreas, didnt bring you into this world so that you may taste only its pleasures, my lord. Agamemnon What? One of the myths in the Cypria inspired the tragedy Iphigenia in Aulis, written by Euripides (ca. Iphigenia calling into the tent. Help us, Achilles! Klytaimestra My dear Lord, Agamemnon! Or fastest delivery March 8 - 10. This is the very same sky that heard your words then and the words you chose to write afterwards, reversing your message to your wife, telling her this time, in words to the effect that Ill no longer be my daughters murderer! 360. Very difficult. I I felt a sharp pain cutting into my heart, my lady and I looked down onto the earth. 1531. Achilles You must grab her and not let go of her. First Chorus Oh, Lady, goddess of love, Aphrodite! Achilles They want to stone me to death, Klytaimestra! For a mere woman? Thus, like a significant number of Euripidean lyrics,' the third stasimon of the Iphigenia in Aulis stands out in contrast to the dramatic Well, old man, Ive reconsidered all those dreadful decisions Ive made back then and wrote another letter in which I am correcting them. If youre wise youll heed them; if not then, have no fear, I know how to settle my own affairs well. Then seiz'd and sever'd me from those I lov'd, And wrench'd with iron grasp the beauteous bands. First Chorus The right wing of this naval force was taken up by the fifty swift ships of the war-loving Myrmidons from Phthia. Just before Dawn. Your words are good, worthy of our country. She has flown away to the Heavens! 411, Menelaos Enjoy the glory of your sceptre then! All of us? iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me Why should you be the only one to offer our child as a victim to the altar? I wont let anyone take your life even though it would be against your wish. Here comes Agamemnon! Second Chorus Look there: our Lords daughter, Iphigeneia, our princess; and there, his wife and Tyndareus daughter, our Lady, Klytaimestra! At one point he is satisfied with what hes written, seals it with his ring but then, a moment later, he scratches away the seal and re-reads the letter. Achilles I told them that if thats what they thought, then they should not kill my intended wife. Related Characters: The Old Man (speaker), Agamemnon , Clytemnestra Related Themes: Tell me what it is you want, now. Madam, let this sword of mine bear witness to what Im about to say! Old Man To stop you By then he had come back to his senses. Chorus You, evil Helen! They say that Zeus had transformed himself into a bird and then slept with your mother. The gods are no fools and they know when oaths are falsely pledged or forced upon people. My daughters life hangs on your will. The barbarians will no longer abduct them and carry them off from our wealthy shores, once Helens abduction by Paris has been avenged. The choruses "Que d'attraits" and "Non, jamais, jamais aux regards" are full of grace. Is it a good wife youre after? Can you see what the goddess has placed upon her altar? Lets think through this together, my lady. Agamemnon And dont waste any time hanging about some watering hole in the woods and dont fall victim to the magic of sleep! You, Paris, you son of Priam! Then, you arrived here, inAulis, with the whole of the Greek army and immediately you lost every virtue you had. I accepted my fortune and youll admit that I have always been a good wife to you. Klytaimestra No, what hes done to you will cost him a great deal of trouble! Iphigenia in Aulis [2] | Monologue - Performer Stuff I am resolved to die; and this I want to do with honor, dismissing from me what is mean. Old Man Yes, tell me so that what I say to your wife agrees with what youve written in there. Klytaimestra What? Everyone called Idean because of the Trojan city Idean. 1160. I was beaten by all the noise. Good bye. Klytaimestra Ahhh! Here, then, I have suffered the greatest misfortune yet I am ashamed to cry just as I am also ashamed to hold back my tears. Dent & Sons, 1920. - Taken from "Iphigenia in Aulis" written by Euripides Read more Previous page Print length 94 pages Language English Publication date February 10, 2022 Dimensions Ask me, what is it? First Chorus I, too, feel pity for you if it is at all proper for a foreigner to feel pity for the plight of kings. You began and ended your speech with fine sentiments. Achilles Not if Ill have anything to say about it! Klytaimestra What would you like me to do? Would you like her to plead at your knees? It is a horrible thing for one to lose a child! But why girl? Why do I not call her a woman? Will she not be made Hades bride soon? Klytaimestra You? Should you not be expecting a poisonous welcome since youre departing like a snake? 1020. For a moment a great deal of shouting by men is heard behind the curtains. Iphigenia in Aulis: Clytemnestra's Monologue Achilles He was elected, all right, but he didnt say no! They will reach the silvery eddies of the Simois river that runs through Apollos stronghold, the rocky plains ofTroy. Hell grab her by her blond hair, if he has to and. Klytaimestra May joy be with you for ever, Achilles. The gods deserted you and they wouldnt give you a favourable wind for our sails. Iphigenia at Aulis was first performed in 405 B.C.E., the year after Euripides' death. Oh, my sweet daughter! First Chorus Atreas son, Menelaos, brought with him fromMycenae, the city built by the Cyclopes, one hundred ships and all the sailors to man them. Just answer my question! With his own sword, madam he will make bloody the young girls white neck bloody it with her own blood! And I? Iphigeneia Mother, Im too ashamed to face Achilles. No mother, no father. Helen, wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta, had eloped to Troy with Paris, son of King Priam. Ah, Menelaos! For a while, Iphigenia in Splott (a district of Cardiff about 20 minutes' walk from the the theatre) seems like a pretty normal contemporary monologue. He, madam, hes the cause of all your torment, madam. Abominable creature! The Old Man fearfully pokes his head through the flaps of the tent. Let me tell you why I am angry. Thats where all the gods held the wedding feast. Your voice has horrified me! Klytaimestra Whats wrong? I beg you, father! Have you thought of any of this, or do you just go wandering about the army camp proudly waving about the sceptre of a General? 420, The soldiers talk and they ask questions. She swings him, sadly, gently back and forth and leans over him as she speaks to him. I have brought this bride here with strong hopes for a wonderful marriage. 1250. Someone has exposed my plans! First Chorus This god, this god with the golden hair, lifts his bow and shoots two arrows of passion, one to bring us lifes greatest joy, the other to send us into a whirlwind of confusion. The circumstances are too dire now for modesty and for polite coyness! You already had one and you couldnt control her. Daddy, do you want to kill me? Horrible Fate, what a dreadful yoke youve locked me into! Iphigeneias scream of grief is suddenly heard from within the tent. Give thanks to the goddess Hope! You can see it! Klytaimestra Really? Promise me that you wont cut even a strand of your hair in mourning nor wear black! Has my husband gone insane? He came all the way fromTroy, dressed in all his colourful garb, and, typical of the barbarians love for splendour, his whole body was sparkling with gold jewels! Tell me what plan I should adopt! Klytaimestra So, who raised the young Achilles, Thetis or his father? It seems Im eagerly preparing for an imaginary wedding! The whole world loves to talk about the famous and to see them in their flesh. Agamemnon Youll be able to see the sacrifice. What horror! Why are you leaving? Happy to be at your sisters wedding. Ah! In it I spoke of Achilles high rank, his bravery, his honour and told her that the man refused to sail with us unless one of our daughters became his wife and went to live at his house, in Phthia. 1350. Leaders are but slaves to the common folk. Old Man Yes, my lady. I would have given it for the sake of my fellow soldiers. Agamemnon I wish I could, my child! Out here, in front of the tent! Its covered with a cloak. Family and Duty Theme in Iphigenia at Aulis | LitCharts Euripides, Iphigenia in Tauris 390). Old man, come out here! Dance, girls, dance around Artemis altar! Achilles First, plead with him. Klytaimestra What about the wedding feast after the ceremony? In his frenzy, he rushed about the whole ofGreece, calling upon everyone to remember Tyndareus solemn oath and to help him, since he was the wronged husband. Agamemnon Yes, I shall say nothing in my defence. But, my brother, we can do nothing now but go on with the bloody murder of my darling daughter. Iphigenia in Aulis. Menelaos is carrying a staff and has nearly finished reading Agamemnons letter which he has torn from the Old Mans hands. Agamemnon dares to commit a most dreadful deed! Ah! Will he not get furious with you and with your wife if you deprive him of his bride? Up there is my final argument. Ill obey your every command. Klytaimestra Who then was the heir to the House of Aeacus? Old Man So, my lord, why on earth are you wandering about out here, then? Ultimately, Euripides uses Iphigenia at Aulis to argue that the ancient Greek impulse to revere one's lineage or parentage while effectively ignoring the duty one has to one's living, breathing family is one which creates sadness, discord, anger, and even the impulse for revenge. Chorus What joyful news that messenger has brought you, my lady! Old Man A slave. It makes the mother love her child most deeply and she will defend it with her life. Do you not care about me any more? Klytaimestra Have you made the pre-natal offerings to the goddess yet? Accept it and let our spears sack the tall towers of Troy!. Tell me! 680. So angry were my twin brothers, the Dioscuri, that they came charging down from Zeus side on their glistening horses to fight you but you went begging to my old father, Tyndareus and he, not only saved you but made me your wife! And Helen, Zeus daughter, will shed bitter tears, too, for betraying her husband. What do you think I and the rest of your family will feel towards you? Achilles, initially, vows to defend Iphigenia. Youre both in such a state of distress and confusion! First Chorus Joy will come to those who share their marriage bed with the calm of Aphrodites love and not with the frenzy of Eros stinging arrows! A real miracle! Iphigenia in Aulis (a.k.a. Klytaimestra But why didnt you deliver that message to me, if it was in your hand? By the gods, Agamemnon! Tell him not to kill his daughter. Now, Ill tell you everything Ive written in this folded scroll because you are a true and loyal servant to my house and to my wife. Miserable, Agamemnon says he has no choice. Out of my senses! Not unless I obey the priests demand, not unless I sacrifice you. ("Agamemnon", "Hom. Now, that was the first of my complaints against your character. Old Man In all other things, no, my lady. After you have gone gone away on your expedition and you have left me here, alone in the house -and alone for a long time, our darling daughters chair empty her bedroom empty -what sort of heart do you think will be beating in my breast? A good man, my brother, must not change his manner just because his life is going well. You felt a great deal of joy when you came in that house, and when you went out of it you felt a wealthy man. The goddess would much rather have this animal offered to her than the girl so that her altar would not be defiled by shedding the blood of a human. Klytaimestra Yes. What? On my part, I wish you all happiness and may you return to the land of your fathers victorious. Figure 2.1: A possible sacrifice (Iphigenia or Polyxena). My life, mummy, my life has been saved! Ah, yes! Once the wise old Tyndareus had convinced them all to take these oaths, he allowed his daughter to choose the suitor she liked and Helen allowed herself to be guided by the sweet, lusty sighs of Aphrodite in her heart. Iphigeneia at Aulis (Greek Tragedy in New Translations) Iphigenia at Aulis seems to have been constructed in a society in which it was ideal to put nation and family ahead of oneself. Achilles Whos that? Enter Second Messenger running excitedly. No! Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides 4,589 ratings, 4.04 average rating, 210 reviews Open Preview Iphigenia in Aulis Quotes Showing 1-25 of 25 "He loves power. CLYTEMNESTRA Now hear me, for my thoughts will I unfold In no obscure and coloured mode of speech. First Chorus And it is a great thing to follow the footprints of virtue like a hunter follows the footprints of his prey. What should I call your deeds to make them also sound lovely? Weve never met before. A garland for my head a garland for my hair some holy water from the sacred basins! Next to him was Myriones, son of Ares, a marvel to all men and Odysseus, Laertes son, who came from the hills of his island,Ithaca. I have no one else to turn to, no other friend, no other altar to pray upon. Chorus Then the Greeks shall tie a garland around your fair hair and stain your human throat with your own blood. Agamemnon I, with all the Greeks as witnesses shall give Iphigeneia away. I envy the man who knows no fame; and I dont envy the man whose life is heavy with the trappings of office. First Chorus And I saw Gerenian Nestor who came from Pylos. The single men have left their houses empty and uncared for and the married ones have left their wives and children behind. No one in the world can deny that the act of saving a child is a blessed act. Old Man Psssst! Gluck's 'Iphigenia in Aulis,' Marriage or Murder? : NPR I will be led to a godless slaughter by a godless father! Agamemnon Look at you? Our daughter now lives among the gods. Come, friends, sing with me in praise of the goddess whose temple faces Chalkis, the place where the spears of war are waiting for me in anger! Klytaimestra What? He married her and they had a son, Aeacus who became King of the island Oenone. Chorus There, upon the citys towers and round about its high walls, the Trojan folk will stand when the warriors with their bronze shields bring their ships closer, over the rivers waters, after their long journey over the ocean. I saw you trying to write it by the light of that lamp there. Obedient child. Chorus Come back to us once youve taken from that city her fairest spoils! There will be no grave. Menelaos True. They picked up their spears, strapped on their armour, and rushed over here, inAulis, with ships, troops, and a huge number of horses and chariots. He has used it to lure and snare his daughter and to convince Klytaimestra to bring her here, to me, to be presented as my wife! And help me, too. Iphigenia among the Taurians, Bacchae, Iphigenia at Aulis, Rhesus Iphigenia in Aulis | PDF - Scribd My armed comrades will be there with me to save your life, to stop your execution. Then he placed a garland upon the girls head and sprinkled holy water on her hair. First Chorus Our husbands told us they are all gathered here, under the helm of Agamemnon and his fair haired brother, Menelaos, noblemen both, preparing to launch an expedition againstTroy. Go! I can talk no more. He managed to film a Greek tragedy to screen without losing its effectiveness and importance. The whole of Greece is gathered here and they all want one thing: to go to the famous city of Troy and tear down her towers. And if I tried to run off toArgos, the whole lot of them will come over and destroy the place, raze the whole city to the ground, Cyclopean walls and all! I, the destroyer of Priams city and its people! IPHIGENIA IN AULIS Essay Summary A monologue from the play by Euripides NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from The Plays of Euripides in English, vol. Spare my young life, father. 250. If the sons of Atreas practice honesty then I shall obey them but if they dont, rest assured, madam that Ill defy them. Chorus And their call to the Nereid was loud and clear: 1061. 1380. Hold on! 450. Chorus Agamemnon, son of Atreas, begin now your journey to Troy and may it be a happy one! Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis, line 1374 - Perseus Project Iphigeneia Artemis altar will be my grave. We use cookies for essential site functions and for social media integration. As she imagines Agamemnon killing Iphigenia, Clytemnestra. Messenger No, my lady! There is no need! 1580. Where are we going to set it up? From Kahil (1990). A city built by the Cyclopes! Klytaimestra And leave my darling behind? What a dreadful thought to have in your mind! Hell have the whole army eating out of his hand and then make them kill us and sacrifice the girl anyway! Son of the Nereid, you are marrying my daughter. Its young Orestes, a baby still. Menelaos See this? Let our friends here see how happy you make me. 280. First Chorus Moored next to them was an equal number of Argive ships, headed by two chiefs, Euryalus, the son of Mecisteus, who was raised by his grandfather, Talaus and Sthenelus, Capaneus son. I must go. IPHIGENIA IN AULIS - Monologue (Iphigenia) - Mighty Actor What shocking news of disaster is this? Old Man Dear Fortune, help my brain to save those I love. But Iphigenia, having determined to die nobly on behalf of the Greeks, was snatched away by the Goddess, and a stag substituted in her place. He is barely visible. They cry when they wish and speak their mind freely, something which a leader cannot do: its undignified, its an insult to the splendour of his position and his whole life is controlled by it. He lifted his cloak up and dug his face deep into it, trying to hide the tears that flooded his eyes. When Agamemnon tries to avoid sacrificing Iphigenia, Menelaus calls Agamemnon a traitor to both Greece and his own brother. It is a bitter thing for a father to take, a father who has worked hard but who must send his daughters away away to another household. Whats with this flushed face of yours? This is the first English edition with commentary of the play since 1891. As is common, there is a dowry, here brought by her mother from the household of Agamemnon (lines 612-13). Effie (Sophie Melville) is a hard-nosed . 880. Enter from Stage Left Klytaimestra and Iphigeneia, accompanied by an entourage of men and women, some of whom are carrying gifts into Agamemnons tent. 1031. What is all this loud brawling in front of my tent? And if only Zeus had not breathed his contrary wind upon Euripus, this wind that stopped this expedition from leaving for Troy! My own heart aches more for poor Hellas than for you because Hellas was about to achieve something great against the barbarians when you and your daughter stopped her; and now these insignificant barbarians will be allowed to go free! The sparkling water of your ancestral streams is waiting for you! My mother! Dont bother making a long speech about it, husband! 1410. Let no Greek touch my body with his hand. Chorus A man whose body will be clothed in golden armour, fashioned by Hephaistos himself and given as a gift to him by his divine mother. 1070. 520. First, come, give your father a kiss. Achilles By the goddess Modesty! There, alongside of them, ran Achilles, Peleas son, in his full armour. Agamemnon The heir was Peleas. I also saw the Boetian fleet, fifty in number, led by Leitus, a mortal, born of the Earth. Klytaimestra With Zeus will or against it? 190. Making the Call: Reflections on This Is War - academia.edu 666 words. She is a loving mother, and when her husband orders to kill their daughter, she bears a deep grudge against hi, and vows to take vengeance . I envy any man whose life passes quietly, unnoticed by fame. Faithful, devoted, temperate in nuptial duties, a good keeper of your house. Our friend here should certainly be thanked for his efforts but we should be careful not to put his life in jeopardy against the army with no advance in our predicament. First Chorus Theyre off to bring back Helen, Menelaos wife, whom Paris, the Trojan cowherd, abducted from her home inSparta, a city built by the reed-covered banks of the river, Eurotas. This last one, Helen, had received the most famous, the greatest sons of the whole ofHellasas her suitors ferocious threats of murder were uttered by those who had missed out on her. On thy knees I hang, A suppliant wreath, this body, which she bore Here is the body that your wife has given birth to. Klytaimestra And were they married in the sea? Here she is but Ill do the talking for both of us. Chorus He said your daughter is still alive, my lady! IPHIGENIA IN AULIS Essay Paper (427 words) - Happyessays Iphigeneia hands baby Orestes to her mother, Iphigeneia If only I could sing like Orpheus, father! Here we are, eagerly obedient to your wish! You, too, my lord are a mortal and, whether you like it or not, this is how the gods want it: mortals must taste the good along with the bad. What a disgraceful behaviour! The gods do strange things, madam, things that baffle us mortals but they save those they love. Agamemnon What? Poor, poor girl! Tell me, Agamemnon: Tell me what will you say to someone who asks you why youve killed your daughter? Why all this violence? Old Man He tricked you about the marriage with Achilles, my lady, so that youd be willing to come here. How. I see a throng of men approaching. Iphigeneia Do not hate daddy my daddy, your husband. Calchas will find out for me what it is the goddess will be satisfied with though, I know, it will be something which will bring me misery and a great deal of hard suffering for the rest of Greece. Second Messenger Klytaimestra! Let me make it absolutely clear, my lady: I was there and I saw it with my own eyes! Iphigeneia Will I go on my own or with mother? Your daughter, my lady, has today seen both death and life! 110. Klytaimestra What is it? Chorus He is the Trojan Ganymede, the loving delight of Zeus bed! PDF Iphigenia in Aulis - Labyrinth 990. Come, folks come and take down from the carriage the wedding gifts Ive brought and carefully carry them into the tent. Lift your head up for me, darling, smile for me. View a map of the most frequently mentioned places in this document. And this, my lady, this is no lie, believe me! Youll fight them all? 1100. After that, Paris, the man who, according to the legend, judged the three goddesses, Hera, Aphrodite and Athena, for their beauty, arrived atSparta. But listen to me, Iphigeneia. Youll go to a place where youll forget about your father. I offer my body to my country and to the rest of Greece, willingly. 440. Come out here and bring your little brother, Orestes with you. Old Man How can you say such a thing, my lord? Menelaos I swear, Agamemnon, by our father, Atreas and by our grandfather Pelops that I will tell you the truth plainly and clearly, just as I feel it in my heart and as I know it in my mind. Stay! I do not envy those in authority." Context:: This line comes near the very beginning of the play. My baby boy, Orestes, will also be there and he, too, will cry. Conditions and Exceptions apply. Then the priest took hold of the sword and, after a few words of prayer, began searching the girls neck looking for the best place to strike. How could I ever speak the truth now? Messenger Agamemnon, leader of all the Greeks! A Monologue from the play Iphigenia in Aulis by Euripides - Actorama Married and single alike? Let that act be what Ill be remembered by. Both you and I, whether we want to or not, must help Hellas stand free Hellas men cannot have their wives stolen from their beds. NI 1886. Iphigeneia Shall we set up choruses around it, daddy? All the women are frightened and turn towards it. Iphigeneia If only it were possible to take me with you, father. Directing his question to the chorus. Ah, but the common folk have it easy. Agamemnon and I have separate properties. 1260. Whats going on? some of them ask. It seems that the generals do as they please with me. Iphigeneia Stop! Whether they treat me well or appallingly makes no difference to them. 710. MENELAOS (Agamemnons brother, King ofSparta), IPHIGENIA (Daughter of Agamemnon and Klytaimestra), ACHILLES (Chief of the Myrmidons, an army), SECOND CHORUS (Men and women ofArgos, attendants to Klytaimestra and Iphigeneia). Ah! I shall go to the priest. The play has been translated and adapted for various media, from other plays to paintings, operas, novels, and films. You both know the size of the army gathered here. My curiosity. Exit Achilles. Menelaos How else, then, can you, Agamemnon, prove that we are brothers? In fact, had he asked me for my permission to use my name for this, I would have given it. Klytaimestra She stretches her right hand 830. Thats Sirius, my lord. Klytaimestra But it is rightfully yours, Achilles! I just heard your voice from inside and came out to greet you. Chorus Go, young girl! Klytaimestra So, my darling will not be put to the sword? And so, soldiers, take heart and head for your ships because today we must leave behind the deep harbours of Aulis and cross our way through the vast Aegean sea!, And when the animal was thoroughly burned in the flames of the god of fire, Hephaistus, and when the holy rites were completed, Calchas prayed for our safe return. 272. Weve been robbed! Shell be his wife. And tell me another thing, Agamemnon: when you return home, when you come back to Argos, will you have the gall to put your arms around any of your children? 583. Come, take me to the altar of the goddess. Where shall I begin? Achilles Her father had promised her to me! Come and hear my news! Think nothing of it! Do you think that I, son of Atreas the fearless, will be afraid to raise my eyes and look at you in the eye? The whole Greek army, Klytaimestra, thats who! Such good wives are rare, Agamemnon! 1040. Amazon.com: Iphigenia in Aulis: 9781534322158: Euripides, Einhorn Gluck: Overture to "Iphigenia in Aulis" / Mori - YouTube IPHIGENIA IN AULIS - Monologue (Clytemnestra) - Mighty Actor The one in control here is Hellas. Whats in your mind, this time, my lord Agamemnon? What a dreadful thing to say! Achilles What? Iphigeneia How wonderful it is to see you again, daddy! 1290. This way, I hope, my pain will be lessened a little. And then theres also this: what right do I have to love my life so much? Overview. Some madness has overtaken their hearts and they want to sail immediately over to Troy to the land of those barbarians and to put an end to this raping and stealing of our women, to tearing them away from their marital beds. Ill now stand by you and so I advise you not to kill your daughter or put my own interests before yours. Weddings are blessed things but still very tough on the hearts of the brides parents.

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iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me