poem about responsible parenthood and reproductive health

5. This concept recognizes that while reproductive health involves women and men, it is more critical for womens health. They also agreed that government will not be an "instrument to enforce or violate the conscience of the people about these issues. Establish and set rules 6. Declaration of Policy. SEC. PCUP's move to secure a partnership with the POPCOM is in support of Republic Act 10354, otherwise known as the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health (RPRH) Law of 2012, which provided universal access to methods on contraception and fertility control. These bills have been seen either as a nullification of the RH Bill, its alternative, or as a way of achieving unity among the populace, since the RH Bill proponents have stated their concern in preventing abortion. They announced that "Catholic social teachings recognize the primacy of the well-formed conscience over wooden compliance to directives from political and religious authorities", urging Catholic authorities to withdraw their opposition the bill. SEC. On April 3, 2014, the Court ruled that the law was "not unconstitutional" but struck down eight provisions partially or in full. Section 15. They illustrate the connection between rapid population growth and poverty by comparing the economic growth and population growth rates of Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines, wherein the first two grew more rapidly than the Philippines due to lower population growth rates. The Gender and Development (GAD) funds of LGUs and national agencies may be a source of funding for the implementation of this Act. CDC's Division of Reproductive Health is the focal point for issues related to reproductive health, maternal health, and infant health. The State also recognizes and guarantees the promotion and equal protection of the welfare and rights of children, the youth, and the unborn. 24. Treat your child with respect Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno said the court might have no choice but to exercise "judicial restraint" on the 15 petitions opposing the law. According to the ABS-CBN news which reported on the results: "In the SMS poll, 69.58% of votes cast reject the RH bill while 30.42% support it. The two party-list representatives strongly state that poverty is not due to over-population but because of inequality and corruption. 10354, is a Philippine law that provided universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care in the Philippines. The DOH shall provide such programs, technical support, including capacity building and monitoring. The LGUs, with the technical assistance of the DOH, shall be responsible for the training of BHWs and other barangay volunteers on the promotion of reproductive health. Pro Bono Services for Indigent Women (s) Reproductive health rights refers to the rights of individuals and couples, to decide freely and responsibly whether or not to have children; the number, spacing and timing of their children; to make other decisions concerning reproduction, free of discrimination, coercion and violence; to have the information and means to do so; and to attain the highest standard of sexual health and reproductive health: Provided, however, That reproductive health rights do not include abortion, and access to abortifacients. Section 10. fResponsible Parenthood Is simply defined as the "will" and ability of parents to respect and do the needs and aspirations of the family and children. The COC shall monitor and ensure the effective implementation of this Act, recommend the necessary remedial legislation or administrative measures, and shall conduct a review of this Act every five (5) years from its effectivity. Terms in this set (21) Reproductive health. It is therefore both ironic and tragic that the Philippines' trajectory is towards the other direction. They also function as glands because they produce and . (t) Reproductive health and sexuality education refers to a lifelong learning process of providing and acquiring complete, accurate and relevant age- and development-appropriate information and education on reproductive health and sexuality through life skills education and other approaches. The COC shall be headed by the respective Chairs of the Committee on Health and Demography of the Senate and the Committee on Population and Family Relations of the House of Representatives. (f) Fetal and infant death review refers to a qualitative and in-depth study of the causes of fetal and infant death with the primary purpose of preventing future deaths through changes or additions to programs, plans and policies. 18. [33], Proponents such as E. Ansioco of Democratic Socialist Women of the Philippines argued that "The World Health Organization (WHO) includes contraceptives in its Model Lists of Essential Drugs" and thus are safe medicines. We are Pro-Life as our first principle. Proponents state that the not passing the bill will make the Philippines no longer be a backward state and unable to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, especially the points on poverty alleviation and maternal health. SEC. Section 26. health status, socio - cultural and economic concern. Joaquin Bernas, S.J, one of the drafters of the Philippine Constitution and a prominent lawyer and writer, explained that the concept of separation of church and state is directed towards the state, rather than the church, as it is a political concept. He emphasized that the government should apply the principle of first things first and focus on the root causes of the poverty (e.g., poor governance, corruption) and apply many other alternatives to solve the problem (e.g., giving up pork barrel, raising tax collection efficiency). The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, known as the RH Law, is a groundbreaking law that guarantees universal and free access to nearly all modern contraceptives for all citizens, including impoverished communities, at government health centers. Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, Congressman Roilo Golez and Buhay party-list separately filed bills that seek to restrict abortion and birth control use. 11. Also, the poor will not have free access to family planning support that many have want, and thus will have more children than they can care for and will not have the money to invest in education to break the intergenerational poverty they are trapped in. Responsible parenthood is also . Section 20. There are several studies cited by those who support the bill: President Aquino stated he was not an author of the bill. It also states that "abortion remains a crime and is punishable", as the Constitution declares that "the State shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception". [43], Proponents such as Lagman also stressed that official Catholic teaching itself, expressed in the Encyclical Humanae Vitae issued only forty years ago in 1964, is not infallible. 3) Perform such other functions necessary to attain the purposes of this Act. (b) The DOH, in coordination with the PHIC, as may be applicable, shall: (1) Strengthen the capacities of health regulatory agencies to ensure safe, high quality, accessible and affordable reproductive health services and commodities with the concurrent strengthening and enforcement of regulatory mandates and mechanisms; (2) Facilitate the involvement and participation of NGOs and the private sector in reproductive health care service delivery and in the production, distribution and delivery of quality reproductive health and family planning supplies and commodities to make them accessible and affordable to ordinary citizens; (3) Engage the services, skills and proficiencies of experts in natural family planning who shall provide the necessary training for all BHWs; (4) Supervise and provide assistance to LGUs in the delivery of reproductive health care services and in the purchase of family planning goods and supplies; and. The DOH shall provide the LGUs with medical supplies and equipment needed by BHWs to carry out their functions effectively: Provided, further, That the national government shall provide additional and necessary funding and other necessary assistance for the effective implementation of this provision including the possible provision of additional honoraria for BHWs. Such additional sums necessary to provide for the upgrading of faculties necessary to meet BEMONC and CEMONC standards; the training and deployment of skilled health providers; natural and artificial family planning commodity requirements as outlined in Section 10, and for other reproductive health and responsible parenthood services, shall be included in the subsequent years general appropriations. SEC. Anti-RH Deputy Speaker Congressman Pablo Garcia said the members of the Committee on Health knew of the WHO announcement on the carcinogenicity of combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives. [25], The bill, said Clara Padilla of EnGender Rights Inc, will "help reduce the number of abortions by providing increased access to information and services on modern contraceptive methods, that in turn will reduce the number of unwantedand often abortedpregnancies". Good citizens need to be people who act according to moral principles. The Executive Order No. It also mentioned the Catholic Church as opposing . Prohibited Acts SEC. All serious and life-threatening reproductive health conditions such as HIV and AIDS, breast and reproductive tract cancers, and obstetric complications, and menopausal and post-menopausal-related conditions shall be given the maximum benefits, including the provision of Anti-Retroviral Medicines (ARVs), as provided in the guidelines set by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC). [9] Age-appropriate reproductive health and sexuality education is required from grade five to fourth year high school using "life-skills and other approaches. Reporting Requirements It also includes neonatal interventions which include at the minimum: newborn resuscitation, provision of warmth, and referral, blood transfusion where possible. These preventable deaths could have been avoided if more Filipino women have access to reproductive health information and healthcare. Mandatory Age-Appropriate Reproductive Health and Sexuality Education This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation. Couples determine their ideal family size. Proponents also accuse the Catholic Church of holding the Philippines "hostage" and violating the separation of church and state. [64] Former Finance Secretary Roberto de Ocampo stated that these punitive provisions "are tantamount to an affront to civil liberties and smack of religious persecution". Effectivity. Proponents such as 14 Ateneo de Manila University professors, argued thus: "Studies show that the majority of women who go for an abortion are married or in a consensual union (91%), the mother of three or more children (57%), and poor (68%) (Juarez, Cabigon, and Singh 2005). The national debate is seen as part of a wider culture war. Heated debates and rallies both supporting and opposing the RH Bill took place nationwide. [68] They argue that a decreased population growth will lead to improved quality of life and economic development. [35], According to the RH bill, one of its components is "prevention of abortion and management of post-abortion complications". Match. (o) Poor refers to members of households identified as poor through the NHTS-PR by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) or any subsequent system used by the national government in identifying the poor. [69], Filipinos for Life, an anti-abortion organization, claimed that the bill was funded by foreign population control groups, a claim that Rep. Edcel Lagman denied as "an old yarn which is destitute of factual basis", saying that the lobby opposing the bill was the one which was backed by the "wealthy Catholic hierarchy with the aid of dozens of lay organizations". [25] Thus, they called their paper "Catholics Can Support the RH Bill in Good Conscience". Oral arguments were set for June 18 but postponed until July 9 after the Supreme Court received additional petitions and interventions. 13. This statement has created a furor as Catholic church leaders say that Aquino has sold out the Filipino soul in exchange for some "measly" aid from the U.S. No person shall be denied information and access to family planning services, whether natural or artificial: Provided, That minors will not be allowed access to modern methods of family planning without written consent from their parents or guardian/s except when the minor is already a parent or has had a miscarriage. Mobile Health Care Service (i) Male responsibility refers to the involvement, commitment, accountability and responsibility of males in all areas of sexual health and reproductive health, as well as the care of reproductive health concerns specific to men. Private and nongovernment reproductive healthcare service providers including, but not limited to, gynecologists and obstetricians, are encouraged to provide at least forty-eight (48) hours annually of reproductive health services, ranging from providing information and education to rendering medical services, free of charge to indigent and low-income patients as identified through the NHTS-PR and other government measures of identifying marginalization, especially to pregnant adolescents. The DOH shall be responsible for disseminating information and providing training programs to the LGUs. ; It insures the child and mother gets the best care . Penalties It also includes sexual health, the purpose of which is the enhancement of life and personal relations. July 1, 2021. 7 Reasons Why Responsible Parenthood is so Important in the Society 1. Reporting Requirements. Among other points, they proposed a study on the meaning of conception in the Constitution, and if it means fertilization, abortifacients "are to be banned even now and regardless of whether the RH Bill is passed". 00 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. A fan page, Free Carlos Celdran was created in Facebook, which generated 23,808 fans in 24 hours. (aa) Sustainable human development refers to bringing people, particularly the poor and vulnerable, to the center of development process, the central purpose of which is the creation of an enabling environment in which all can enjoy long, healthy and productive lives, done in the manner that promotes their rights and protects the life opportunities of future generations and the natural ecosystem on which all life depends. The Senate registered 138, the same result as the second reading. The policy gives "paramount importance" to population control measures and the promotion of contraception among 13 populous countries, including the Philippines to control rapid population growth which they deem to be inimical to the sociopolitical national interests of the U.S., since the "U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad", and these countries can produce destabilizing opposition forces against the U.S. [citation needed], President Noynoy Aquino during the presidential campaign said that it confounds him why he is always associated with the RH Bill and reiterated that he is neither an author nor a co-author and did not sign the committee report regarding the bill. The President's spokesperson Edwin Lacierda explained that the President "has not changed his stand" and is reaching out to the prelates and said that he has not made any decision in support of the Reproductive Health Bill as he was still studying the document. Free choice regarding reproductive health enables people, especially the poor, to have the number of children they want and can feasibly care and provide for. 25. Instead he referred to the Filipino Family survey of December 2009 conducted by the HB&A International (an affiliate of Louis Harris & Associates) together with the personnel of Asia Research Organization (the Philippine affiliate of Gallup International). 10354 also known as rh law Lesson Objectives: This module discusses background, rationale, salient provisions, and potential impacts of the "Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012" or RA 10354, also known as RH Law. (b) Adolescent refers to young people between the ages of ten (10) to nineteen (19) years who are in transition from childhood to adulthood. Spell. SEC. [40][41][42], Fourteen professors from Ateneo de Manila University, a prominent Catholic University, considering the empirical evidence of the dire socioeconomic conditions of the Filipino poor, urged that the bill be passed to help them. Integration of Family Planning and Responsible Parenthood Component in Anti-Poverty Programs These products and supplies shall also be included in the regular purchase of essential medicines and supplies of all national hospitals: Provided, further, That the foregoing offices shall not purchase or acquire by any means emergency contraceptive pills, postcoital pills, abortifacients that will be used for such purpose and their other forms or equivalent. On February 7, 2011, the bill was scheduled to go before the House Appropriations Committee. He also said surveys suggest that the total wanted fertility rate for the Philippines is 2.4 children, or below the actual TFR of 3.3 children. The Secretariat of the COC shall come from the existing Secretariat personnel of the Senate and the House of Representatives committees concerned. You cannot be too loving 3. 6. SEC. Procurement and Distribution of Family Planning Supplies 21. Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-three day of July, two thousand twelve. The government shall promote and provide unbiased information and access to these services. Midwives for Skilled Attendance The committee quickly passed the bill in just one session. Teaching morality. [10] They say that lack of access leads to a number of serious problems which demand attention: (1) "too many and too closely-spaced children raises the risk of illness and premature deaths (for mother and child alike)," (2) "the health risks associated with mistimed and unwanted pregnancies are higher for adolescent mothers, as they are more likely to have complications during labor," (3) women who have mistimed pregnancies are "constrained to rely more on public education and health services and other publicly provided goods and services", further complicating limited public resources, (4) families are not able to achieve their desired family size. 10354), na mas kilala bilang Reproductive Health Law ay naglalayong maikalat ang kaalaman tungkol sa Reproductive Health, tulungang maipaabot nang mas madali ang mga ligtas at modernong pamamaraan ng contraception, tulungan ang mga pamilya sa mas maayos na . Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs). SEC. Each LGU, upon its determination of the necessity based on well-supported data provided by its local health office shall endeavor to establish or upgrade hospitals and facilities with adequate and qualified personnel, equipment and supplies to be able to provide emergency obstetric and newborn care: Provided, That people in geographically isolated or highly populated and depressed areas shall have the same level of access and shall not be neglected by providing other means such as home visits or mobile health care clinics as needed: Provided, further, That the national government shall provide additional and necessary funding and other necessary assistance for the effective implementation of this provision. 2. It entails equality in opportunities, in the allocation of resources or benefits, or in access to services in furtherance of the rights to health and sustainable human development among others, without discrimination. "[16], The RH bill provides for "prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and other, STIs/STDs", especially since the number of HIV cases among the young nearly tripled from 41 in 2007 to 110 in 2008. (u) Reproductive Tract Infection (RTI) refers to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and other types of infections affecting the reproductive system. Avoid harsh discipline 9. Companies with fewer than 200 workers are required to enter into partnership with health care providers in their area for the delivery of reproductive health services. For over 50 years, we have been dedicated to improving the lives of women, children, and families through research, public health monitoring, scientific assistance, and partnerships. Separability Clause, Repealing Clause, Effectivity, The bill mandates the government to "promote, without biases, all effective natural and modern methods of family planning that are medically safe and legal. 5043 (Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008)", "A Forum on Population, Development and Reproductive Health", "Official Statement of Support for the Immediate Passage of the Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines", Alliance of Young Nurse Leaders and Advocates, Full text of NSSM 200 (US government source), Philippine Family Planning Statistics (National Statistics Office), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Responsible_Parenthood_and_Reproductive_Health_Act_of_2012&oldid=1137594408, An Act providing for a Comprehensive Policy on Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development, and for Other Purposes, An Act providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health and Population and Development. [81], On December 19, 2012, both versions of the bill were passed to the Bicameral Committee to produce a final version to be signed by the President Aquino. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, known as the RH Law, is a groundbreaking law that guarantees universal and free access to nearly all modern contraceptives for all citizens, including impoverished communities, at government health centers. The LGUs shall endeavor to hire an adequate number of nurses, midwives and other skilled health professionals for maternal health care and skilled birth attendance to achieve an ideal skilled health professional-to-patient ratio taking into consideration DOH targets: Provided, That people in geographically isolated or highly populated and depressed areas shall be provided the same level of access to health care: Provided, further, That the national government shall provide additional and necessary funding and other necessary assistance for the effective implementation of this provision. (d) Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEMONC) refers to lifesaving services for emergency maternal and newborn conditions/complications as in Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care plus the provision of surgical delivery (caesarian section) and blood bank services, and other highly specialized obstetric interventions. If any part or provision of this Act is held invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not affected thereby shall remain in force and effect. [19][20], The Philippines is the 39th most densely populated country, with a density over 335 per square kilometer,[21] and the population growth rate is 1.9% (2010 Census),[22] 1.957% (2010 est. Section 21. After 13 years of arduous advocacy and steadfast crusade of RH champions, the controversial Reproductive Health bill was enacted as Republic . Leaders of both sides, including Rep. Lagman and Rep. Golez, were present. (c) Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEMONC) refers to lifesaving services for emergency maternal and newborn conditions/complications being provided by a health facility or professional to include the following services: administration of parenteral oxytocic drugs, administration of dose of parenteral anticonvulsants, administration of parenteral antibiotics, administration of maternal steroids for preterm labor, performance of assisted vaginal deliveries, removal of retained placental products, and manual removal of retained placenta. [65], Fr. See answer (1) Best Answer. [52], The online poll conducted by the Philippine Star published on May 18, 2011, showed that 56% were against the RH Bill, while 44% were in favor. (n) Public health care service provider refers to: (1) public health care institution, which is duly licensed and accredited and devoted primarily to the maintenance and operation of facilities for health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of individuals suffering from illness, disease, injury, disability or deformity, or in need of obstetrical or other medical and nursing care; (2) public health care professional, who is a doctor of medicine, a nurse or a midwife; (3) public health worker engaged in the delivery of health care services; or (4) barangay health worker who has undergone training programs under any accredited government and NGO and who voluntarily renders primarily health care services in the community after having been accredited to function as such by the local health board in accordance with the guidelines promulgated by the Department of Health (DOH). Maternal Death Review What you do matters 2. [26] Thus, they refer to the HSBC 2012 projection for 2050 that the Philippines will be 16th largest economy due to its large growing population, and those whose populations are decreasing will suffer decline. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012, also known as the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law, and officially designated as Republic Act No. The Philippines doesn't have too many people, it has too few pro-growth policies". It will mean reneging on international commitments and will slow down modernization. "[9], The bill also mandates the Department of Labor and Employment to guarantee the reproductive health rights of its female employees. 10354), informally known as the Reproductive Health Law, is a law in the Philippines which guarantees universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. at 5. Section 2. [89], On April 8, 2014, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the law. DIRECTIONS: Assuming that after 10 years you will become a parent. It gives right for personal decisions like abortion if mothers health is in threat. [9], Employers with more than 200 employees shall provide reproductive health services to all employees in their own respective health facilities. [72], On January 31, 2011, six different bills were consolidated into a single RH Bill which was then unanimously approved for plenary debate by the House Committee on Population and Family Relations. The DOH and the LGUs shall initiate and sustain a heightened nationwide multimedia-campaign to raise the level of public awareness on the protection and promotion of reproductive health and rights including, but not limited to, maternal health and nutrition, family planning and responsible parenthood information and services, adolescent and youth reproductive health, guidance and counseling and other elements of reproductive health care under Section 4(q). Further, pregnancy or the number of children shall not be a ground for non-hiring or termination from employment; (d) Any person who shall falsify a Certificate of Compliance as required in Section 15 of this Act; and. On September 30, 2010, one of the freethinkers, Carlos Celdran staged a protest action against the Catholic Church, holding a sign which read "DAMASO," a reference to the villainous, corrupt clergyman Father Dmaso of the novel Noli Me Tangere by Filipino revolutionary writer Jose Rizal, and shouting "stop getting involved in politics!" Pursuant to the declaration of State policies under Section 12, Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, it is the duty of the State to protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution and equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception. 1. Republic Act No. Section 16. The State shall provide age- and development-appropriate reproductive health education to adolescents which shall be taught by adequately trained teachers informal and nonformal educational system and integrated in relevant subjects such as, but not limited to, values formation; knowledge and skills in self-protection against discrimination; sexual abuse and violence against women and children and other forms of gender based violence and teen pregnancy; physical, social and emotional changes in adolescents; womens rights and childrens rights; responsible teenage behavior; gender and development; and responsible parenthood: Provided, That flexibility in the formulation and adoption of appropriate course content, scope and methodology in each educational level or group shall be allowed only after consultations with parents-teachers-community associations, school officials and other interest groups. It is a law in the Philippines that guarantees universal access to methods and contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. (j) Maternal death review refers to a qualitative and in-depth study of the causes of maternal death with the primary purpose of preventing future deaths through changes or additions to programs, plans and policies. During the first public hearing on Nov 24, the chair of the Committee on Population handling the bill said that there is no instruction from the Speaker of the House to expedite the bill. The RAND study also said that a large population can promote growth given the right fundamentals. If the offender is a pharmaceutical company, its agent and/or distributor, their license or permit to operate or conduct business in the Philippines shall be perpetually revoked, and a fine triple the amount involved in the violation shall be imposed. "[citation needed], The key to solving maternal deaths, according to the Senate Policy Brief on reproductive health, is the establishment of birthing centers. Interpretation Clause. Employers shall inform employees of the availability of family planning. The advancement and protection of womens human rights shall be central to the efforts of the State to address reproductive health care.

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poem about responsible parenthood and reproductive health