ravenclaw characteristics

Helena Ravenclaw, for example, stole her mother's diadem to bring perfection to her intellect and outperform her own mother. A fellow Ravenclaw instructor at Hogwarts. A thing that frightened a wizard or witch the most. This doesnt mean that all Ravenclaws are self-important, but some of them are, like Professor Lockhart. "And once again: well done on becoming a member of the cleverest, quirkiest and most interesting house at Hogwarts.". Popular Minister for Magic and predecessor of Cornelius Fudge, Bagnold was in office when Voldemort tried and failed to kill Harry Potter as a child. Hufflepuffs are known for being trustworthy, loyal and hardworking. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Nobody could smack your face with reality better than a Ravenclaw. This could be very advantageous in a Wizarding Duel, especially since Ravenclaws know so many spells. Even so, not all Ravenclaws were motivated by academic prowess. It creates a rivalry where students from other houses dont interact much. Ravenclaw came third for the seventh and eighth house cups with 49,775,819 and 23,712,525 points. Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. Often hard-working and diligent, as often was the case with intellectuals with a predisposition for academics, some of the pupils sorted under the blue-bronzed eagle were known to be inclined to dismiss certain social expectations for the sake of satisfying their own intellectual curiosity. Exceedingly accomplished at Charms, Professor Flitwick was reportedly also a duelling champion in his youth. Some of them also have odd obsessions with things of the wizarding world, like magical creatures (like Luna Lovegood). Related: Harry Potter: The 10 Richest Ravenclaw Characters. For example, can you remember when Dolores Umbridge became Headmistress? Because their intelligence comes with a sense of duty to prove things too. Some Ravenclaws, such as Uric the Oddball, Xenophilius Lovegood, and his daughter Luna Lovegood were also noted to have a propensity towards eccentricity. For example, we need to go back to The Battle of Hogwarts. Hufflepuffs are associated with trustworthiness, loyalty, and a strong work ethic. According to J.K. Rowling, Ravenclaw corresponds to the element of air. Eagles are a symbol for a broader vision and strength of mind and heart. They may love to study, but their learning isn't just by rote or from books they are also some of the most intuitive students at Hogwarts, with a deep understanding of how things work. And not so much on the little details that surround them. People can always count on an intelligent Ravenclaw if they're pressed for time, but only if that Ravenclaw is willing to help. As a result, seeing Ravenclaws doing something out of the ordinary was pretty normal. Hufflepuff can be too trusting. In fact, its easily 1 of my favorite scenes from the film: Sure, Ravenclaws are known for being smart. This site and the content made available through this video are for educational and informational purposes only. But if we were to compare the 4 Hogwarts houses, Because they never turn down a chance to learn. Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore. Others, like Luna, are less arrogant because they simply do not care how they compare to others. A couple mentions here, an observation from Hermione there, and aside from a really cool snatch of backstory about Ravenclaw founder Rowena and her daughter Helena in Deathly Hallows that's it. A Ravenclaw probably invented the expression, "I didn't come here to make friends I came here to win.". 2023 fantasytopics.com, part of the Hopnetic network. Slytherin. However, theres a lot more to Ravenclaw than just their brains. [Source], Ravenclaw was one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Even Luna got the short end of the stick. Ravenclaws learn quickly, and you'll soon enjoy the challenges the door sets. The best examples of these negative Ravenclaw traits come from Moaning Myrtle, Ollivander, and Helena Ravenclaw. Element Sign Up to receive new posts right in your inbox. Being cunning and using their guile to their advantage to manipulate people sounds like Slytherin, not Ravenclaw. That's why most of the wizards and witches placed in Ravenclaw like Luna, Professor Quirrell, and Cho Chang were known for being timid. While Gryffindor and Slytherin were the two houses discussed ad infinitum in the Harry Potter books, there are still plenty of notable Ravenclaws. Then dont be too worried if you face tough battles alone. The entrance to the dormitories behind the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. Because that positivity ties back into your self-confidence. Hufflepuff was the most inclusive among the four houses, valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members. Each founder had something different that they treasured in their students, and used the magical Sorting Hat to help determine where each Hogwarts student fit best. Rowena Ravenclaw founded Ravenclaw House. You see, it goes back to them being creative. While all the Hogwarts houses can stick to their own (though Hufflepuff traits are especially guilty of this) and be a bit judgmental, Ravenclaws do so in a way that is a bit colder and removed. They have this unique ability to understand something. Hogwarts could use some rational students to even out all the chaos and disorder. While Ravenclaws have a lot of positive traits, such as their intelligence and creativity, their introverted nature, and perfectionism they can also make the more judgemental. They definitely think they are smarter and more put together than students from other houses. In translated editions, "Ravenclaw" remains the same and is used for the Catalan, Croatian, Danish, Faroese, German, Icelandic, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Spanish, Swedish, and Vietnamese editions. lol. She thinks outside the box, a trait that does her house proud. In fact, youll probably find a few people to help you. Ravenclaws arent afraid to dig their heels in and keep working on their passion. She's naturally witty, as are many of the Ravenclaws, like Professor Flitwick, Luna Lovegood, and even Lockhart. Maybe with classmates, colleagues, similarly smart friends, or that one smug looking a**hole at your weekly trivia night who needs to be taken down a peg. She thinks that Harry is not good enough for Cho and makes her opinion known. Ravenclaws possess the traits of cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. Well, it was a Horcrux. Its actually a great trait that many Ravenclaws share and should be proud of. [28] Many Ravenclaws (such as Cho Chang) joined Dumbledore's Army and fought in the Battle of Hogwarts along with Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. (Remember to discover your own wand right here.). That's all I need to take out my little blue and bronze pennant and hope, nay, know I will be sorted into Ravenclaw when my time comes. Well, Ravenclaws started taking credit for other wizards work. Head of Ravenclaw house and Hogwarts Charms master, Filius Flitwick taught Hogwarts students the importance of enunciating their spells correctly although Hermione helped. Relative to Gryffindor, Slytherin, or even Hufflepuff, not much is known about Ravenclaw, the Hogwarts house known for producing some of the brightest, quirkiest, She was also quite the annoying know-it-all. Maybe you obsessively follow U.S. foreign policy. "Some first-years are scared by having to answer the eagle's questions, but don't worry. Ravenclaw House contains some of the most unique witches and wizards at Hogwarts. "You probably know that some of Ravenclaws most renowned members include Gilderoy Lockhart and Luna Lovegood. They just tend to be judgmental of different things and are often less concerned about expressing that, too. Ravenclaw was the owner of a beautiful diadem that bestowed wisdom on the wearer, but it was lost in her lifetime. These are not the only two Ravenclaw traits, however, as characters like Cho Chang and Luna Lovegood have showcased that Ravenclaws are so much more. And the professors werent having any of it too. Wit beyond measure is mans greatest treasure.. For example, we know that Ravenclaw house wanted the smartest wizards. @kay, agree! While other houses such as Slytherin and Gryffindor might be more willing to cut corners, Ravenclaws are more on the perfectionist side. In Lockhart's case, he's so self-obsessed that he doesn't even notice anything else going on around him, like the fact that Hogwarts is in danger and Harry can hear snakes in detention. However, the Sorting Hat did admit that she was almost placed into Ravenclaw instead. In fact, theres no way of spinning that type of attitude into a positive. Not every Ravenclaw is the same. In a tight situation, they are likely to be the first to think their way out of it. Kageyama is more than just a textbook angry character, though. 1. There are a bunch of benefits to being independent. She has a curious outlook on life and lives life to the fullest. Since Ravenclaws are academically motivated and tend to excel in this area, they sometimes look down on the other witches and wizards that are not as smart as them. Plain old jeans and a t-shirt aren't going to cut it for you (unless you accessorize with, like, a tiara or something). (Fie on anyone who claims that's a bad thing. They are very competitive academically, and they are also diligent and 17 Good And Bad Hufflepuff House Traits [Ultimate List], 17 Good And Bad Slytherin House Traits [Ultimate List]. [18] The Ravenclaw points hourglass contained blue sapphires. He knew his way around the Memory Charm. Because they didnt shy away from backstabbing fellow Ravenclaws. As you already know, intelligence is the key trait of Ravenclaw House. People from Ravenclaw House have a sharp wit and quick tongue that can make them very fun to be around. Ravenclaws explore new ideas in an effort to be original. However, despite her intelligence, her values weren't necessarily always aligned with Ravenclaw's. There was also Minister Lorcan McLaird, who was a quite brilliant wizard, but preferred to communicate by puffing smoke out of the end of his wand. Because deep down, I think we all know where we belong and if we don't, obviously, we just head on over to Hufflepuff where everyone is really nice to us despite the fact that we might not have any discernible talents or inclinations (no, really, that's kind of their thing). A famous Arithmancer that specialized in number magic. They also preferred competing against each other. Related: Harry Potter: 9 Ravenclaw Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Their Personality. While it is true that a lot of dark witches and wizards were sorted into Slytherin, not all who belong to this house are bad. Ravenclaws are often known for being quite eccentric and most of the great wizarding inventors and innovators have come from this house. Another example would be Professor Filius Flitwick, a half-goblin who might have faced scorn for his short stature earlier in life but went on to become a renowned Duelling Champion, and subsequently one of the finest and most knowledgable Charms Masters in the entirety of the wizarding world during his employment at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In fact, its 1 of Gryffindors best traits too. Perhaps you marathon watch David Attenborough documentaries or have a blog about Game of Thrones fashion. The dormitories are in turrets off the main tower, where students can hear the wind whistling around the windows. Well, even research agrees that a bit of humor is good for you. Unlike the other common rooms in the school, a logical riddle given by a bronze eagle-shaped knocker must be answered to enter. House information Gilderoy Lockhart) and some are more comfortable alone with their thoughts (ex. While Ravenclaws can be really intelligent when it comes to things like books and facts, they arent inflexible about learning and the application of knowledge. members. But geniuses are often out of step with ordinary folk, and unlike some other houses we could mention, we think you've got the right to wear what you like, believe what you want, and say what you feel. Erasmus once said, "When I have a little money I buy books; and if I have any left I buy food and clothes." However, many other Ravenclaws, such as Cho Chang, also display their individualism. The door to our common room lies at the top of a tall, winding staircase. Famous Ravenclaw Ministers for Magic include Millicent Bagnold, who was in power on the night that Harry Potter survived the Dark Lord's curse, and defended the wizarding celebrations all over Britain with the words, I assert our inalienable right to party.' Ravenclaw came third for the first house cup with 71,815,917 house points. Because being smart can get you so far in life. Those who belong to Ravenclaw house are thought to be the brainiest students at Hogwarts. Professor, Im sorry to interrupt, but this is important. cleverness, wisdom, wit, intellectual ability and creativity. [7] Hermione Granger, an extremely intelligent witch and the top student in her year, was sorted into Gryffindor, though she admitted that the Sorting Hat had seriously considered placing her in Ravenclaw.[20]. And a lot of people are guilty of judging a book by its cover. Like with the three other houses, there are plenty of negative Ravenclaw traits that the house has to keep in check alongside positive ones like wittiness and creativity. However, their strong academic intellect does not necessarily define the Ravenclaw house it is their desire to gain knowledge at every opportunity. Air So its not uncommon for Ravenclaws to explore different crafts as well. They rose at almost the exact moment as the Hufflepuffs and turned their wands upon Pansy Parkinson and Slytherin House in Harry Potter's defence when the former wished to hand Harry over to Lord Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters.[10]. Luna, for instance, is very emotionally intuitive. In fact, I'd advise you to triple-check your bag for everything you need before leaving Ravenclaw Tower. Helena Ravenclaw's ghost was quick to judge Harry's intentions for finding the lost diadem, costing Harry precious time when it came down to finding the horcrux. We arent put off by people who march to a different tune; on the contrary, we value them! Luna Lovegood knew better than to bother him. Hufflepuff traits are especially guilty of this, Harry Potter: The 10 Richest Ravenclaw Characters, Ravenclaws are all about intellect and learning, Harry Potter: 9 Ravenclaw Quotes That Perfectly Sum Up Their Personality, Harry Potter: 5 Things That Prove Ravenclaw Is The Best House (& 5 That Prove Its The Worst), Luna Lovegood says some downright outlandish things, The Best Harry Potter Students In Ravenclaw Ranked By Their Grades, Chris Pratt Joins Luigi Actor To Troll Super Mario Bros. Movie Voice Critics, Warner Bros Just Destroyed The Rings Of Power, The New Mad Max Might Break A Decades Old Series Rule. And Luna Lovegood was the only witch not afraid to point it out. Moaning Myrtle may not be the happiest ghost character in the series, but she certainly adds some comic relief to the scenes she appears in. Illustration by Jim Kay Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. [19], Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw House prized learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect in its members. The House was founded by Rowena Ravenclaw. In fact, Professor Trelawney taught Divination. They value their educational studies and apply themselves earnestly in all that they do. Ravenclaw came second for the third house cup with 26,916,194 points. They are known for creativity, wisdom, and acceptance. From the time he was born, people thought he would not amount to anything because of this. They tend to stick to themselves and be a bit distant from some of the dramas and issues that the rest of the school tends to have. They definitely think they are smarter and more put together than students from other houses. But a lot of them are actually pretty good with jokes too. But is anybody really gifted with all of the worlds knowledge? For example, Ravenclaws are proud of Bridget Wenlock. Ravenclaws are seen as clever. 11 Signs You're A Ravenclaw, Which You Were Obviously Smart And this is an amazing trait that many Ravenclaws share. He has spent his entire career using magic to take advantage of other people, and thus, take credit for their knowledge. An exceptionally talented Ravenclaw wizard, Ollivander is widely regarded as the finest wandmaker the world has ever seen. If I had a criticism, Id say Gryffindors tend to be show-offs. Ravenclaws have a lot to be proud of, and sometimes that goes to their head. The Harry Potter franchise is hugecording to JK Rowlings site Pottermore, over half a billion Harry Potter books have been sold worldwide. The Head of Ravenclaw House. You may be surprised that Hermione Grainger was sorted into Gryffindor when these traits seem to describe her. Ravenclaws are more likely to be distracted by whatever big idea they are thinking about, and this can make them harder to connect to, at times. They arent as likely to get involved with house rivalries and get along pretty well with the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs even if they do stay somewhat aloof. People fawn over your ability to innovate and see things in unique, fascinating new ways. WIZARDING WORLD Publishing and Theatrical Stage Rights J.K. Rowling. Ravenclaw values intelligence, knowledge, and wit. Cunning and resourceful intelligence has more relation to Slytherin. Hufflepuff is where you will find the most trustworthy and hardworking students. After all, Hogwarts was located and named based on a dream that Hogwarts founder Rowena Ravenclaw had in which a warty hog led her to the Black Lake. Gryffindor house is where you would find the pluckiest and most daring students (theres a reason the house symbol is the brave lion). Plus, it goes all the way back to Ravenclaws logic and rationality. Ravenclaw House appeared to have little rivalry with the other houses, except in Quidditch. Ravenclaw won the fifth house cup with 28,048,578 points. #7: Curious. Many Or even improving your decision-making skills. In this situation, her intuition told her it might be better to give the Boy who lived a bit of space. Sure, Ill give credit where credits due. This can also connect to the tendency to be a bit stuck-up, or at least, perceived as such. So Ravenclaws wont need to worry about getting into a bad mood often. But even if you count out the most amazing ones. It has a white marble statue of founder Rowena Ravenclaw, and behind it lies the door leading to the dormitories. Because they are so fussy about every little detail and getting things right. But Ravenclaws take it too far and hurt other peoples feelings. In fact, shes probably the weirdest Ravenclaw we ever got to see on the big screen. Rowena Ravenclaw[1] The symbolism of Ravenclaw house | Wizarding World Why Ravenclaws werent as kind as you remember. Ravenclaws are exceptionally talented. Its all about looking into the future. Ravenclaw Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. Grey Lady[6][10] They wont shy away from telling me the stuff that hurts to hear. Each house boasts their own traditions, values, and characteristics, modelled after one of the four founders of the school. Marietta Edgecombe was a Ravenclaw who slyly went behind the backs of the members of Dumbledores Army and told Dolores Umbridge what they were doing. But did it stop him from reaching his goals? Too bad the author doesnt seem to follow up on comments. Just so a Ravenclaw can get a leg up on you. Some of these eventually also ended up being not only accepted but even celebrated, in spite of being initially subjected to scorn for their various oddities. Wizarding World is the new official home of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts. House Ghost: The Grey Lady [1] Members of this house were characterised by their wit, learning, and wisdom. Step this way to our Sorting Hat Quiz! Animal Libras and Ravenclaws are very creative and have a thirst for knowledge and learning. Some people believe that being eccentric is bad. Professor Lockhart is the best - or rather, worst - example of these bad Ravenclaw traits. #sarcasm. She's so dedicated to expanding her knowledge of the lesser-known magics that she even notice that she doesn't fit in. Ravenclaw came fourth for the fourth house cup with 24,567,337 points. Our founder, Rowena Ravenclaw, prized learning above all else and so do we. Ravenclaw won the fifth house cup with 28,048,578 points. This independence is the more positive side of their tendency to be aloof. Well, its not something unique to Hufflepuffs. And Ravenclaws were some of the worst offenders. No, and Professor Flitwick still became a champion at magical dueling. 21 Good And Bad Gryffindor House Traits [Ultimate List], 101 Best Harry Potter Quotes (Funny & Inspirational! Harry Potter Ravenclaw They're fascinating conversationalists and their keen observational skills and sharp mind make for some truly delicious jokes, barbs, and satirical musings. [29] This could prove troublesome as anyone with enough intellect could intrude into the dormitory, as was shown in 1998 where Professor McGonagall had no trouble entering by answering the riddle correctly[30] (though she was a "hatstall" between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw). They arent as self-righteous as Gryffindors or as prideful as Slytherins, but Ravenclaws also have a judgmental side to them. While Ravenclaw House members have their good qualities, they can also be cunning, calculated, prideful, judgmental, and overly competitive. But you dont have to flaunt it everywhere, right? Or maybe there was an alley you and your friends liked to tag. Ravenclaw House Personality Traits: Good and Bad His success lies in his ability to marry the right wand wood with the right core, and help match the wands to their ideal owners. The house colours for Slytherin are silver and emerald green and the emblem is a serpent. of the Hogwarts Houses Characteristics They are very competitive academically, and they are also diligent and attentive friends, leaders, and teachers. Famous Ravenclaws through the ages | Wizarding World Head Doesn't that mean you're dead. But on the bright side, somebody helped him. He wrote a book detailing all of his interactions with Dark creatures and dangerous experiences and then proceeded to boast about himself until we find out he was lying the entire time. They mistakenly ask a Ravenclaw, who 'sniffs' at them for even suggesting they are in the same house. On top of that, can you remember Cho Chang and her best friend Marietta? Her choice of blue as a colour for the Ilvermorny school uniform was inspired by Ravenclaw.[25]. [6] Thus, many Ravenclaws tended to be academically motivated and talented students. As one might expect of their creative natures, the Hogwarts house Ravenclaw traits show they are also original and independent. Ravenclaws can be a bit fussy and nitpicky. Ravenclaws are famous for being the smartest bunch in Hogwarts. Because she also had the traits of a Ravenclaw. Theyre also much less tolerant than we are of people who are different; in fact, theyve been known to make jokes about Ravenclaws who have developed an interest in levitation, or the possible magical uses of troll bogies, or ovomancy, which (as you probably know) is a method of divination using eggs. Articulate, aware, clever people give you tingly feelings in your most intimate of bits. This can make them come across as cool and a bit uncaring. Sign up below and receive new posts directly in your email. WebAnswer (1 of 7): Honestly at surface level they dont seem similar at all but then you look closer. Shouldnt Ravenclaws be open-minded because theyre creative?. 5 Ravenclaw Characteristics To Be Proud Ravenclaws are the Hogwarts intellectuals, the dreamers. WebHufflepuff House is one of the four Houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was founded by Helga Hufflepuff. Well, when Marietta ratted out the secret organization, Dumbledores Army. Like when you need to help a person realize their mistakes. Some people mistake Ravenclaws for being 100% uptight. [10], Ravenclaw corresponded roughly to the element of air,[17] and it was for that reason that the House colours were chosen; blue and bronze represented the sky and eagle feathers respectively, both having much to do with air. In 1 of her classes, they looked at every students Boggart. one of the best friends anyone could wish for. Ignatia Wildsmith A lot of Ravenclaws were pretty good at remembering stuff. Let's be honest: iIf you are, you were probably smart enough to figure it out on your own without this list anyway. WebAwesome, but Impractical: Unlike in the other three houses, the door of the Ravenclaw common room doesn't demand official passwords, but answers on the fly to randomly generated philosophical questions.Naturally, this makes one's chance to enter heavily dependant on luck and personal factors, to the point that, according to Luna, students Why be boring? And it makes them pay more attention to the world around them. Pottermore Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. So whats wandcraft got anything to do with memory, you ask? While others may be inclined to shun and ridicule such people, Ravenclaws generally accept and celebrate these eccentrics, such as Luna Lovegood. Thus, many Ravenclaws tended to be academically motivated and talented students. Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore.

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ravenclaw characteristics