agua prieta cartel

Agua Prieta is a town in the northeastern corner of the state of Sonora. i tell you, a few. Tin Tin is the owner of Bavispe, Bacerac and Huachinera municipalities and El Pato is believed to act on behalf of him within this area. El Jaguar is originally from Zaragoza, Chihuahua. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The aftermath of an armed attack comes into view. However, it was funny when people asked where I got my info.. "get out of here, a narco blog!? Sonora: The Border CIty of Agua Prieta Explodes with Violence. :) article is an overview of a CJNG attempted assassination on Omar Harfuch, the head of the Mexico City's police. 7:14 and that makes you proud dumb ass. At first, families would arrive and wait only a few days, and then CAME volunteers would escort them to the border crossing, where they would wait to talk to U.S. immigration officials. PROFILE: He is believed to be involved in the planting and harvesting of marijuana and poppy, as well as the transportation of drugs north, towards the border. Jorge was arrested in Tucson, Arizona in September 2007 when he was just 26 years old, alongside his brother Edgar LaMadrid after attempting to flee the police. AGUA PRIETA, Mexico Alexander Chasov had barely stepped off the bus that had brought him, along with his wife and 6-year-old son, to this remote community bordering southeastern Arizona. Here I can just read it once and then do something else. The organization increased the trafficking of arms from the United States to Mexico, through the same border crossings, to dominate their influence with total violence in the territory and confront rival cells. Multiple deaths reported in Very well aligned in the US side of the house too, and its not a cheap plaza to buy. The third event took place in the city of Naco at Simply amazing work you're doing HEARST. Agua Prieta resident: 'I woke up Nice phrases with abundant of info. El fox el delta and some others are minor bosses, who controlled part of the business but they all reported to paredes (and him, to mayo zambada or chapo himself) el fox and some others, attemped a coup de etat, a hostile takeover or whatever you wanna name it: didnt suceed and these are the consequences. Junior in the organization that made his father powerful from May 2004 to January 2011, created a tight circle among people he trusted, where he assigned plazas to bosses in different towns in the state of Sonora and Chihuahua. The driver on the photo can't be recognized as a human head easily, the top seems to be missing, classic cannoeing of the seal team 6.Someone got themselves some real expert killers over there. And they like their anonymity. La presencia del frente fro 37 provoc intensas nevadas en zonas de Nogales y Agua Prieta por lo que autoridades llamaron a la poblacin a extremar precauciones y la Guardia Nacional y Proteccin Civil Sonora activaron el Plan Puerto San Luis Adems, determinaron el cierre del tramo carretero Agua Prieta y Janos, as como el tramo I used to believe the cds corridos until I educated myself on cartels thanks to Borderland beat and other reliable sources.. corridos are not real 4:42 p.m., where four dead people of the male sex were known to board a white Agua Prieta Explodes with Violence Too many iris Chavez, big butt queen wannabes, black, white, and mexican, vote for them "en el feis". I dont see los paredes going anywhere anytime soon. Lobos men kept getting killed so linea took back madera, El Jaguar ran to his daddy tin tin in sonora, Y'all should do one on the CJNG to see where El sapo El 3 chito cano RR jardinero all and all of them fall into the organization structure wise. Yeah. Caro Quintero. Wow Chivis since you saw the gory photo, your mind might not be in the mood to enjoy dinner. The most recent news out of Chihuahua indicates that La Linea has since reclaimed this area again. If I remember correctly from a recent vdeo he uploaded, RCV wife is from the Baza familia and the issue was the death of some nephews for X reason. Sonora Cartel Ive seen it, or is it a coincidence? The attacks between rival cartels occurred in Agua Prieta and Naco, opposite Douglas and Naco, Arizona. it was CDS. Chasovoriginally hadgone to Nogales, but when officialstold him he'd be waiting up to three months to claim asylum in the United States, someone suggested he goto Agua Prieta instead. Once again u out do yourself.Great job E42, AP will not be taken by CJNG, too much power and conectas w/ RCQ/MZ orgs. I thought La Lnea killed the Lebaron fam? Stays low key and loves his horses. who is US is protecting him? In 2013 the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions against Rascon Ramirez, naming him the plaza boss of Agua Prieta. Sinaloa cartel shootout in Agua Prieta leaves one wonders whether he works for FBI, DEA. Anim. "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The aftermath of an armed attack comes into view. Notable Figures: Los Paredes Mexican Border City Cartel Ambushes near Arizona and work directly for Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, head of the Sinaloa Cartel, No mames read the article you are way off foo, G3 and Tolteca flipped, according to the previous article "Notable Figures La Linea Part II", El jaguar lost support too wage war on linea in madera. cartel Some media have alleged that El Junior took control of Los Paredes shortly after his father's arrest. INSIDE JOB. In 2012, Paredes-Machado was indicted in Washington, D.C., by the Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section of the Department of Justice. Good story Thanks How much is the Mayor of Sonora is involoved I think shes a woman Wondering about the Crusie line that started in Mexico / Az Is it Cartel owned Is this the same area Sonora or is it only parts Its hard to keep up or even understand the Cartels area Since other names come up in the same areas Gets very confuseing so do strong smaller fractions of other cartels work together ?? Never say never, cjng are already there FYI. Is la tepito union that powerful to counter giant cartels ? The IRONY.. The CJNG is rumored to be arming Fuerza Anti-Unin right now. By 2007, Sonora Cartel, Colima Cartel and Milenio Cartel became branches of the Sinaloa Cartel. there was a worse foto i didn't post---this was bad enough. said DEA spokesperson Ramona Sanchez.. Usually the escortwould bean American citizen because cartel members won't touch them, according to Ramos. These are just some among many of cartels in MC.There are also street gangs that run micro-trafficking operations just like in other cities like Juarez and Tijuana. Agua Prieta Jose Javier Rascon Ramirez reportedly killed in Agua Prieta El leon, and Marco's, along with mandy morano, and the rascones, ran this area for a long time. However because El Junior is believed to live in the US, he is likely less involved and Tin Tin is believedto be far more involved in the leading of Los Paredes than El Junior. It sits on the MexicoU.S. "It's scary because I'm hearing that once they take you to the crossing, you have to wait outside, and maybe even sleep," he said. Mencho is on another level right now! answering a call for accompaniment in Agua Prieta El Seor de Tamazula is that Adelmo Niebla Gozalez ? Also what 4:06 said about the contras. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. Once they got to the border crossing, Grupo Beta gave them a number and sent them to CAME to wait for theirnumber to be called. Many of the families staying at CAME have similar stories toChasov's about their initial encounter with cartel members in Agua Prieta. There was this young woman called la pelirroja---she was a kidnapper, and very pretty. Much of the following information is derived from information from, This municipality is the most important territory the Los Paredes organization holds. Former Agua Prieta cartel leader agrees to Possibly has a brother named Ramon also operates for Los Paredes. These are some key regions right along the US-Mexico border, these are presumably valuable regions for trafficking purposes. Los Angeles Times (Source), Notable Figures: La Linea Part I: Chihuahua, Notable Figures: La Linea Part II: Sonora & Background, Notable Figures: Gente Nueva in Chihuahua, Notable Figures: Carteles Unidos Part III. These are regions along the Sonora-Chihuahua border that have seen conflict between La Linea and Los Paredes within the last few years. Marco Antonio Paredes-Ponce "Junior", originally from the United States and residing in Phoenix, Arizona, is the current leader of the Los Paredes Cartel. WebAt CAME ( Centro de Atencin al Migrante Exodus) in Agua Prieta, Sonora, there are 160 people sleeping in a shelter with a 44 person capacity. "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The aftermath of an armed attack comes into view. "So the people who already came through gotlucky. What i find absurd is Mexican press blacks out the eyes of perps yet publishes murder and execution images. Dayum so thats why cds bosses switch sides? Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. The Paredes are the Sinaloa cartel's number one franchise. Someone mentioned to me to day she did not pass away. I came to love the country and it's people so my heart breaksagain, when I read an account such as this. The wife maybe related to THE Baza family who have also violently lost members to the clan fighting between these alacranes. Who's plaza is Nogales ? Agua Prieta (AP), a Sonora border city bordering Douglas, Arizona which for its geographical area is a huge port for drug trafficking. 2023 Paredes-Machado remained in Mexico from the time of his 2011 arrest until his first U.S. court appearance in September 2015. Hebelieves the shelter is constantly under surveillance bycartel members. border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. Sicarios came out of the bushes as he rolled up to his home Ladrn que roba ladrn tiene 100 aos de perdn. Hundreds of kilos.lmao..try thousand even hundreds of thousands of kilos.. What happened to the chivis coronavirus page? I like to look at this site, to see what's going on down there. border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. David Guillen-Rodriguez, also known as Pato, originally from Casas Grandes, Chihuahua and residing in Huachinera, Sonora, is the head of sicarios in the municipalities of Colonia Morelos, Bavispe, La Galerita, Bacerac, Huachinera and Aribabi. Agua Prieta and Drug Trafficking El Gigio fue capturado por las autoridades y ya esta en el bote. That greedy shit, always catches up with you.ABKEl conejo loco, As someone who knew 3 of these men personally, know their families I can say Godspeed my peeps. Thank you. El Junior, is responsible for the financial aspect of this area. seems strange that a guy as big as Junior could live in Phoenic, Arizona and not be arrested by US government. "They told me that if I didn't have the money I should just turn back because they wouldn't let me out," he added. Prosecutors with the U.S. Attorneys Office later agreed to not use a recording of the statements as evidence if the case went to trial. Before that, Leo work for the lord of the Skies, Amado Carrillo Fuentes. cartel Bad move. an old corrido de Don Gilberto Paredes. That amount is astronomical forfamilies who have barely scraped up enoughmoney to leave their homes,in many cases taking on debtin the process. A lot of the time, it's a good read. Tin tin ? By 2007, Sonora Cartel, Colima Cartel and Milenio Cartel became branches of the Sinaloa Cartel. Mexican Cartel Convoy Violently Patrols Town Abutting "Itold them 'I don't havethat kind of money. Will keep researching and redoing the maps as I go. [see video]. There is no mention in the plea agreement of whether the lesser sentence was offered in exchange for past or future testimony. CJNG just added another Plaza to their list! Iris Chavez, the girl who was dating Rascon was also killed. Is there any possible specific reason why cjng/cds/lfm never tried moving to MX ? Plenty of other shootouts have occured, hear guy from "Super Suarez" is dead, and other gunned down in his garage by quad, people being dragged out of their homes, they arent leaving anyone. Ramos,said itmaintained a fairly low profile until July 2018, whenfamilies began to arrive with greater frequency. One thing that stuck with me over the years. My brother was murdered and the image of his dead body dumped in an undeveloped area always stays with me. By Chris Kraul and Richard Boudreaux. Sinaloa Cartel Las cruces. Not that they came into existence in 2004. :), Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; A source said they wake up to gunfire around 3 a.m. 12:35 and 4:06 I could not agree more, especially with what 12:35 said about the region. AGUA PRIETA, Sonora Many residents of the border town of Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, woke up to gunfire in early Monday. Your info is always interesting and complete - Keep it Up - Parro. Agua Prieta . I was coming up empty on a hard confirmation Correct el 20 was the same one that killed mandy and supposedly Tito torbellino. (, PROFILE: In addition to working in drug trafficking, El Tigre reportedly leads Los Paredes's human smuggling operation along the US-Mexico border, with operations in Agua Prieta, Naco. They wont be able to shoot their way out of hell and THAT will be no joke for them.they will be tormented forever and ever with no rest! He also collects fees from entrepreneurs in the region. AGUA PRIETA, Mexico . There is no mention of whether Paredes-Machado will receive credit toward his sentence for the time he has spent in custody awaiting trial. How horrific it would be to be a loved one of him and view him or the fotos. Sinaloa Cartel Smile. Several DEA agents interviewed Paredes-Machado after his arrest, including one from Sierra Vista. Ramos cast part of the blame for this situation on recentU.S. policies designedto deter migrants from legally seeking asylum. He was killed alongside his son El Morito in April 2020 while traveling in northern Madera. Got to think criticallyPliny the Younger TIPA. I agree to an extent, this part of Sonora has been safe. I think I used too many 2019-2020 sources who were reporting on Los Jaguars recent incursion into those areas, which may have been quelled by La Linea now. Fair enough Chivis, was only just wondering. Martin Alonso Siqueiros, also known as Tin Tin and 9-12, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora, lives in Agua Prieta and is the main face of the Los Paredes cartel. Agua Prieta and Drug Trafficking This Mexican American family (Paredes Cartel) has controlled drug trafficking in the northwest of the country since the 1990s. Friend of mine that disappeared after the shootings. Sonora: Jose Javier Rascon Ramirez reportedly killed in Agua Prieta shootout, Federal Operation Raid To Capture "Guano" Guzman, Convicted Dealer Exposes What It's Like to Work With Mexican Cartels, Five Killed in Nuevo Laredo, CDN Hitman Among the Dead, Human Rights Violation Allegations, Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpin, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives, Mayo's Aquiles Had El Lobo's Lawyer Killed, says Attorney General.

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agua prieta cartel