hawaiian comedian andy bumatai

He became a member of Hawaii's comedy trio Booga Booga. Grabbing a pillowcase still wet from the wash, he snapped the stick across the room. Hawawiian-Filipino comedian Andy Bumatai was born on December 24, 1954 (or was it 1953?) He soon learned to surf, play saxophone and flute, and was voted the class clown in Intermediate School. google_ad_height = 90; His second KGMG-TV color special "All in the Ohana" in which he played all five members of an island family, established him as a brilliant actor. Bumatai was born on December 20, 1952. He is known to get a laugh even when he goes surfing. Andy Bumatai is an American comedian and actor. Teamed up with his brother Ray Bumatai to create the show "BumaVision" for Hawaii's Spectrum OC16 Network, and worked together on the short film "Procrastinators.".

hawaiian comedian andy bumatai